
Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Enemy (It Happened in Charleston #2) by Sarah Adams


It’s been twelve years since I’ve seen him. Twelve years since he won our war of wits by outsmarting me with a tactic I didn’t even know was allowed. But tonight…I resurrect the battle.

Ryan Henderson is back in town for our best friends’ wedding, and I plan on showing him exactly how much I don’t care about him—or the almost kiss he ruthlessly dangled over me after graduation.

A lot has changed since our feuding days. I'm a successful bakery owner now, and I plan to rub every delicious detail of my life in his ugly face.

Just one problem: his face is gorgeous.

He wasn’t supposed to look like this or pursue me like a sexy guided missile. I must stay strong until the wedding is over and Ryan scurries back into whatever alternate universe he escaped from.

His interest in me is nothing but a continuation of the games we played in high school...right?

But the longer he stays, the more I wonder if I’m wrong and his tender smile and heated attentions are genuine. Maybe it’s not a game.

Ha! Who am I kidding? This is Ryan we’re talking about. Of course it’s a game. A game called war. And this time, I will win.

  * Amazon * Goodreads


I have a confession.  I was so worried heading into this book- worried that it wouldn't be as good as the first one, worried that I would be disappointed.  It's just that The Match was SO good and I loved it SO much.  I really had my hopes up with this book, all the fingers crossed.  You know?  Please let it be as good.  Please, please.

Ha!  It is now fair and safe to say that this book exceeded all my expectations.  It is possible that I loved it more than the first book (that feels like betrayal though).  Thank you, Sarah Adams, for once again giving me another book to drool and swoon over.  Thank you SO much. 

This book is written in first person, dual perspective.  I love both of those things!!  Actually, it has all the things I love and long for in a good romantic book.  

1. Humor.  I absolutely love to be entertained.  This book has so many moments that made me smile.  Honestly.  It was such good entertainment.

2.   Attraction.  This book is absolutely busting at the seams and sizzling with attraction.  Yummy, yummy, toe curling attraction.  Yes, please.  I want this every single time.

3.  Excellent Pacing.  I love when a book sucks me in from the very beginning and doesn't let me go.  This book is full on emotion and entertainment from start to finish.  I couldn't put it down.  And yes, I probably read it way too fast.  I couldn't help myself.  This is the kind of book I will want to go back and read again so maybe next time I will savor it more?  Ha.  That's a lie.  I want to go back and read it right now and I know I won't slow down or savor it.  I'll be full steam ahead to my favorite parts.

4.  Emotion.  There has to be some emotional connection to the characters or a book will not be great to me.  The more you come to know both June and Ryan, the more you love them.  Their backstories unfold throughout the book and it really helps to know what made them who they are in the now moments of this book.  I appreciated that the "tragic" bits never felt overwhelming.  Important, but never overwhelming as to distract me from my euphoria.  😍 

Clearly, I loved this book.  

This book is on Kindle Unlimited.

Content: kissing, innuendo 

- I did receive a complimentary copy of this book but have also bought my own copy.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Sea of Starlight (The Riven Kingdoms Book 2) by Shari L. Tapscott

After meeting the mysterious woman of the forest, Rhys and Amalia are left questioning everything they know about the feuding kingdoms’ history, the two royal families that began the war, and their own turbulent relationship.
There is only one place to find answers—in Draegan, the cursed kingdom that lies across the Chasm. Rhys would like more than anything to keep Amalia away from the land of nightmares, sickness, and death, but the princess is determined to cross the rift.

And Rhys is determined to keep Amalia safe…no matter the cost. Even if she will despise him for it before their journey’s end.

Meanwhile, in the heart of Draegan, Rhys’s sister is faced with her own problems. Her father and brother are at odds, dark creatures are finding their way into the fortress castle, and a new prisoner is patiently chipping at the walls Cassia has built around her heart...

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

AAAAHHHH!  Ugh.  Waiting is the worst.  I really dislike waiting.  I just finished this book and I'm ready to read the next book right now.  Ending books in a place of no resolution drives me bonkers.  Clearly, I am loving this series or else I really wouldn't care about the next book.

This author is one of my favorite.  I love her adventure stories the best.  This one is mingled with a touch of fantasy and magical elements.  There is a heavy dose of secrets and political intrigue.  Romantic tension is swirling all over and driving me mad in the best of ways.  I was happy to see the addition of Rhys's family into the story.  There is a good balance of plot and characters which helps the story move right along.  Obviously the end came too soon for me and I just want more.  As soon as possible.  Oh, and more kissing too, if all my dreams are coming true.  

This is book two in this series that must be read in order.

Content:  mild peril, kissing

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Her Billionaire's Murder Mystery (Billionaire Bachelor Mountain Cove Book Book 14) by Stephanie Fowers

The mystery holds the clues to their hearts.
Aaron Mills has buried his aching heart for years under a charming façade. Success and money can never replace what he lost so many years ago.

Charlize Dean has her hands full keeping her mother from getting banned from Bingo night in their small town of Eureka Springs. When she gets roped into playing a flapper for a weeklong ‘20s Murder Mystery at the hotel where she works, the last thing on her mind is getting mixed up with the charity event’s gorgeous sponsor—no matter how blue Aaron’s eyes are.

Aaron can hardly believe he’s falling for his leading lady, and worse, he can’t prove to Charlize he’s not a “player.” When the mystery of the game turns a little too real, can they forget their growing attraction to solve a forgotten crime or is love in the script too?

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

Have you ever attended a murder mystery party?  I've only been to one and it was just a one night dinner party.  It was fun but I think that was more about the people I was with than the actual murder mystery.  This book is entirely based on a week long murder mystery party in a fancy 20's era hotel with rich, fancy people.  I felt like aside from the prologue which was emotional and personal, this book was very plot based as expected given the premise.  There are a lot of characters in play so it was harder to connect emotionally.

I liked Charlize and Aaron.  Aaron is generally misunderstood and that makes it harder for Charlize to trust him.  He is smitten at first glance of Charlize but she keeps him at bay for a few minutes.  Haha.  Both Charlize and Aaron reach a point where they have a hard telling what is real and what is fake.  They have suspicions, Charlize more than Aaron, I think.

This party has a "real" turn of events and I could feel the growing tension between characters.  The ending was exciting and probably my favorite part.  I liked this book, but I didn't love it.  It's not my favorite by this author but it was different and if you love murder mysteries, you should really pick this book up.

Content:  mild peril, mild violence, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Kind of a Big Deal by Shannon Hale


There's nothing worse than peaking in high school. Nobody knows that better than Josie Pie.

She was kind of a big deal—she dropped out of high school to be a star! But the bigger you are, the harder you fall. And Josie fell. Hard. Ouch. Broadway dream: dead.

Meanwhile, her life keeps imploding. Best friend: distant. Boyfriend: busy. Mom: not playing with a full deck? Desperate to escape, Josie gets into reading.

Literally. She reads a book and suddenly she's inside it. And with each book, she’s a different character: a post-apocalyptic heroine, the lead in a YA rom-com, a 17th century wench in a corset.

It’s alarming. But also . . . kind of amazing?

It’s the perfect way to live out her fantasies. Book after book, Josie the failed star finds a new way to shine. But the longer she stays in a story, the harder it becomes to escape.

Will Josie find a story so good that she just stays forever? 

I was pretty excited a see a new book by Shannon Hale.  I've really loved so many of her earlier books and the premise for this book sounded intriguing.  Unfortunately, I didn't love this book quite as much as I had hoped.
Josie was a difficult character for me to connect with.  I didn't really like her so it made it hard to stay focused and really care about what was happening to her.  Her character did show growth by the end so that was good.  Josie definitely felt like a teenager so the author nailed that.  The little girl Josie was a nanny for was cute!  I think she was my favorite character in the book.
I will admit to doing a bit of skimming, especially when Josie becomes the character in the books she is reading.  I get what the author was trying to do and the purpose behind it, it just didn't click in with me how she intended, I think.  I really wanted to like this book but I just didn't.  
- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Just a Girl (Just a Series Book 2) by Becky Monson



What happens when the right girl and the right guy meet at the wrong time?

One thing that can be said about Quinn Pearson is that she has a knack for doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. Like, the worst time ever. Take her job for instance. One little slip of the tongue using the mother of all swear words while reporting the news, and suddenly she finds herself with over 18 million views on YouTube and her employment in jeopardy. If that wasn’t bad enough, when she meets the man of her dreams, she nearly chokes to death on a powdered sugar donut.

Thankfully for Quinn, the dashing Brit, Henry, finds her near death experience quite charming. But just when Quinn thinks her luck is going to change, she finds out her timing is all wrong again. Henry is off limits. Or is he? Maybe it’s time for Quinn to quit settling for what life hands her. Perhaps it's time for her to become more than just a girl. 
Wow, I literally plowed right through this book, full steam ahead. I probably should have slowed down and savored it but I just couldn't help myself. (I'm also the girl that can just suck on candy- I just have to bite it.)  I just HAD to know how it was all going to work out. Quinn and Henry (yummy, yummy Henry) were fun characters. I smiled a lot, I laughed, I cheered, I swooned. Author Becky Monson did a great job of creating characters that felt real and believable with their flaws, insecurities and moments of brilliance. I really loved this story!!  It made me happy.
This book released yesterday (it feels like I've been waiting forever for it!) and I had pre-ordered it so it downloaded right away for me.  It's also on Kindle Unlimited if you have that.  

Content: kissing

Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Royal's Fake Bride: A Magnolia Bay Sweet Romance (Gentlemen of Magnolia Bay Book 3) by Brenna Jacobs


She's perfect. But she's his best mate's little sister.

When Theo Clarke joins his best mates Will and Henry in creating a hotel venture in the charming South Carolina island town of Magnolia Bay, he sees a chance to rebrand himself as a man of vision and leave his tabloid playboy reputation behind. But when his mother revokes his inheritance money until Theo marries a suitable British aristocrat, the venture is endangered. They can’t pay their massive loans without Theo’s money.

As the hotel nears completion, the gents bring in the delightful Pippa Maxwell, Will's younger sister and emerging interior designer. Pippa could be the answer to every problem, if she will only agree to a fake marriage with Theo. But Pippa has dreams of her own, and they do not involve marriage to the aristocracy’s most scandalous bad boy.

I am really enjoying this Gentlemen of Magnolia Bay series.  I love the beach setting and a hotel renovation that brings love to these three friends.  Each book spotlights a different friend and builds on the first so I would recommend reading them in order for you most pleasurable reading experience.  This is the third book in the series.

Poor Theo is a man mostly misunderstood.  I actually felt bad for him most of the time.  Pippa has some longstanding angst towards Theo, some valid, some not.  For most of the book Pippa is swimming brilliantly in her pool of angst but can't help but recognize Theo's utterly handsome face.  I wish there would have been more time where Pippa and Theo were getting along better (and kissing more 😘) but I did enjoy the build up of attraction and the gradual shift in perspective on Theo's part.  I just thought Pippa carried her bitter on a bit too far.  I guess I just love Theo more.

I read these books as part of Kindle Unlimited.

Content:  kissing

Monday, August 3, 2020

A Foreign Crown (Royal Regency, #1) by Jen Geigle Johnson + Win A Copy of This Book!

Following a devastating series of misfortunes, Lady Aribella Bardsley has bravely shouldered the responsibilities of her household. But just as the bleakness of her situation threatens to overwhelm her, a summons arrives from the Queen with a providential offer: Aribella’s presence is requested as a lady-in-waiting at the palace.

Prince Layton Wilhelm’s family has clung to their neutrality in the war for far too long. As the youngest of the King of Oldenburg’s eight sons, Layton is determined to prove his worth and is unwilling to turn a blind eye to Napoleon’s encroaching privateers. When Layton embarks on a journey to England, it is for one purpose: to petition the British navy for aid. But when he becomes acquainted with the lovely Lady Aribella, he cannot deny their powerful connection. Amid the intrigues and schemes within the walls of the palace, Layton and Aribella know a future together is impossible—but torn between loyalty and love, will they risk everything to follow their hearts?

What a lovely book.  Very romantic.  I think the cover is lovely too. 

I really enjoyed this one and I think one of the main reasons why is because there wasn't a huge misunderstanding or fight between the main characters, driving them apart.  The love was always there but circumstances drove them apart.  I guess that just felt good around my heart.  Both Layton and Aribella are kind and loyal- two of my very favorite characteristics in people.  I loved them both, separately and together.

This whole book felt gentle to me and I think that was another reason I was so attracted to it.  I really had a hard time putting it down.  It had a fairy tale quality to it with castles and a handsome prince.  I would sure love to visit a castle like the one described in this book one day!  I also loved the bits of history woven in with King George and the royal family.

I sure hope we get more stories from this royal family of Wilhelm brothers!  There are so many!

Content:  mild peril, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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