
Friday, February 28, 2020

One Summer Day (A Prosperity Ranch Novel) by Heather B. Moore

She’s desperate to start over. He represents the past she wants to leave behind. But falling in love is never about logic.

Macie’s divorce has left her at rock-bottom, and she uproots everything and takes her young daughter to visit Prosperity Ranch for the summer. Every kid deserves to know her grandparents, right? Macie hopes for some healing time, even if she is staying at her ex in-laws ranch. What she isn’t expecting is her ex-husband’s brother, Holt Prosper, to fit every ideal she’s ever hoped for in a man.

 * Amazon * Goodreads

I am so excited to have a new series by one of my favorite authors to delve into!  This one is set on a ranch in Texas and I just love a good rancher/cowboy lead character.  Throw in that Texas charm and yup, hello Holt.

Is it weird that Macie falls in love with her ex-husband's brother?  I think it is.  I mean, I think Holt is awesome too, but seriously.  Awkward.  I just kept thinking the whole time how weird it would be to know your wife slept with your brother.  Who is still alive and coming to family dinner.  😳 I don't know.   Don't worry though, I can easily set aside my concern and mostly focus on Holt and Macie who are two great characters deserving of happiness and love.

How could Macie not fall for Holt as she watches him fulfill every hope and wish she had going into a marriage before?  Holt is all that and a bag of cookies.  Chocolate cookies.  I loved how easy it was for Holt to extend kindness, respect and love to both Macie and her daughter.  Both Holt and Macie are ready for love and the attraction is definitely there.  Hummm yumma I love lots of kissing and I sure got it with this book. 

This is a great start to this series and I'm really looking forward to the next book, releasing in March.  One Summer Day is on KU if you have that.

Content:  mention of affairs, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Heather B. Moore is a USA Today bestselling author of more than fifty publications. Her historical novels and thrillers are written under pen name H.B. Moore. She writes women's fiction, romance and inspirational non-fiction under Heather B. Moore. This can all be confusing, so her kids just call her Mom. Heather attended Cairo American College in Egypt, the Anglican School of Jerusalem in Israel, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University in Utah. Heather is represented by Dystel, Goderich, and Bourret.


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Loving the Greek Billionaire: A Destination of Heart Romance Book 5 by Lisa Swinton

She despises the wealthy. He’s the billionaire in disguise. It’ll take all the wonders of Greece to overcome their differences.
When her sister injures her foot, Rose comes to the rescue to nanny for a billionaire despite her reservations. But enduring the rich lifestyle for a month turns out better than expected when the children are darlings and the head of security grows ever more attractive. But a staff romance is against the rules.

Leo’s been posing as his head of security since his wife died and the gold diggers came crawling out of the woodwork. The new nanny intrigues him, but her prejudices against the wealthy creates an instant barrier. He’ll have to discover the source of her distaste so he can overcome it. However the deception he employs to protect himself and his family put a life with Rose at risk. Convinced he’ll lose Rose if he reveals his identity, he delays telling her.

When the truth comes out, Rose will have to choose to forgive Leo’s deception or leave them all in a bigger ruin than the wonders of Greece.

 * Amazon * Goodreads

This is such a fun series by author Lisa Swinton.  I read this book a couple weeks ago and it's still fresh in my mind.  Usually if I wait long after reading a book I forget details and have to look back through the book to remind myself before writing my review.  Not this time though. 

I love the way Rose stepped into the situation of this job because it felt natural and believable.  Leo's deception definitely made things interesting and I was anxious to know how it was all going to play out.  The children were a fun addition to the story line and helped create some memorable and realistic moments.  I don't know that I totally bought into the fact that Rose really believed the real Leo (aka the head of security) wasn't the father even when the children called him that but it's fiction, right?  And I want to be swept away to far away places immersed in romantic notions.  This book took me to Greece (with yum, yum food) and filled my mind with all sorts of romantic notions.  It was an excellent diversion.

This book is only $.99 right now!  It is also on Kindle Unlimited if you have that.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

A Note of Change by Esther Hatch, Nichole Van, Annette Lyon

Can a single note can change a life, start a romance, or drive two people apart?

Waiting for the Post by Esther Hatch
Now that Harrison Chase has finally made his fortune as a working man, he will risk it all to save his factory workers from starvation. In the middle of his charge to reverse the Corn Laws, his housekeeper helpfully mails a letter she finds languishing amongst his things. A six-year-old love letter. With no other choice, he rushes back to his childhood home on Christine Stone’s estate. If he can’t get his hands on that letter before she does, Christine will discover what a pitiful and pretentious fool he had been. The one thing he hadn’t counted on was the mail being delayed. Now Harrison must decide which is worse—waiting with Christine as he not-so-slowly falls back in love with her, or leaving, knowing once she reads his letter he can never return.

A Ring of Gold by Nichole Van
Viola Brodure longs for something more from her life. So when that something more arrives in the form of a letter from the renowned Highland Poet, Ethan Penn-Leith, she seizes her chance. After all, Mr. Penn-Leith merits every swoon-worthy adjective Viola can muster. What woman wouldn’t want to be in her shoes? But after journeying to Scotland and meeting the poet himself, Viola faces a difficult question: What happens if you don’t want the thing you thought you did?

A Rose by Any Other Name by Annette Lyon
As an orphan whose only home has been the Foundling Hospital, Rose is tasked to work in the fine houses of Bloomsbury. She knows her duty—take care of the family upstairs and never forget her place. But her traitorous heart won’t follow the rules, and she falls in love with Oliver Withey, a man far above her station. Though she feels like she’s found a home in Oliver’s arms, his mother has other plans for her oldest son—and marrying a servant isn’t one of them. She’ll do anything to keep Rose and Oliver apart, including making a devil’s bargain that ensures they’ll never see each other again. When a mysterious old woman appears, she seems to have answers to Rose’s past. Could those long-held secrets hold the key to the future with Oliver that Rose longs for?

Three great authors have contributed stories to this fun collection. They were all great but I think I loved Waiting for the Post best followed by A Ring of Gold.  Each story is romantic and so very sweet.  The characters were vivid and so easy to root for.  I enjoyed every single minute in this book.  It made my heart happy.

This book is on Kindle Unlimited.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Promised by Leah Garriott

Fooled by love once before, Margaret vows never to be played the fool again. To keep her vow, she attends a notorious matchmaking party intent on securing the perfect marital match: a union of convenience to someone who could never affect her heart. She discovers a man who exceeds all her hopes in the handsome and obliging rake Mr. Northam.

There’s only one problem. His meddling cousin, Lord Williams, won’t leave Margaret alone. Condescending and high-handed, Lord Williams lectures and insults her. When she refuses to give heed to his counsel, he single-handedly ruins Margaret’s chances for making a good match—to his cousin or anyone else. With no reason to remain at the party, Margaret returns home to discover her father has promised her hand in marriage—to Lord Williams.

Under no condition will Margaret consent to marrying such an odious man. Yet as Lord Williams inserts himself into her everyday life, interrupting her family games and following her on morning walks, winning the good opinion of her siblings and proving himself intelligent and even kind, Margaret is forced to realize that Lord Williams is exactly the type of man she’d hoped to marry before she’d learned how much love hurt. When paths diverge and her time with Lord Williams ends, Margaret is faced with her ultimate choice: keep the promises that protect her or break free of them for one more chance at love. Either way, she fears her heart will lose.

I was so reluctant to end this book.  I really enjoyed every single moment in it and I wanted more of Margaret and Lord Williams.  I love when that happens.

This story is gentle and doesn't hold many climactic moments but wow, it sure did hold my attention.  I was interested from the very first dinner scene because Margaret has such a determination to marry someone that cannot hurt her and that she has no real affection for even at her brother's  obvious disapproval.  Getting to know Margaret was a treat even though at times I wanted to shake some sense into her.

The beginning third of the book had a distinctly Pride & Prejudice feel to it as Margaret and Lord Williams have a bit of a battle of the wills and some heavy judging.  (mostly Margaret).  But then, Lord Williams is there and at every turn he is proving himself to be the most gallant of men.  I really adored him- his tenacity, his hope and his patience.

I enjoyed this book from start to finish.  It was just lovely.  Oh!  And I love the cover too.

Content:  kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Crosscheck (Northbrook Hockey Elite #4) by Rebecca Connolly, Heather B. Moore, Sophia Summers

He’s a hard hitter, she’s a straight shooter. Can they stop the sparks from flying? Do they want to?

Zane Winchester is a beast on the ice, known for racking up penalties and delivering hard blows. No one would suspect the complicated nature of his personal life, or just what it entailed. And no one, not even him, would have suspected what one unexpected encounter with a remarkable woman would do to his life.

Mara Matthews is a regular woman with a regular job and a regular life. Then she meets the father of one of her little students, and regular becomes the last word to describe her life. Zane is intense, funny, charming, and drop dead gorgeous; he shouldn’t pay any attention to someone like her. But Zane isn’t giving up, and Mara doesn’t want him to.

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

It's another Northbrook Hockey Elite book!  I'm not a hockey fan but I wish I were.  There aren't many opportunities to watch hockey where I live but if there were, I think I could be a hockey fan.  This book really makes me want to watch hockey.

Zane is the best.  He's just an all around good guy- well, on the ice he's got a bit of a reputation for intentional rough play but aside from that, he's got all the qualities that make for a great lead man.  I loved how Zane recognized Mara's goodness right away, probably due to his daughter, but still.  Yes, he was attracted to her but it was more than her looks.  I loved how intentional Zane was and how he handled Mara and his daughter.  It was so attractive.  And, speaking of attraction. . . <ahem>.  There is plenty of attraction between Zane and Mara.  Holy cinnamon roll scene, Batman.  And can I please get some of that?  Flame on.  

This is probably my favorite book in this series so far.  Did I say that last time?  Hmmm.  I  love this group of hockey player friends.  I love how they support each other and how they all rally around Zane and especially his little girl in this book.  It melted my heart.

Content:  Clean romance, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, February 14, 2020

The Dear Wife (More Than A Wife #3) by Jennifer Peel

She’s been holding on for dear life, now she must learn to let go.

Marathon runner and quintessential wife and mother Avery Decker appears to have it all together. But don’t let her smile fool you. Since the death of her daughter four years ago, she’s been trying to fake her way through life.

So far, it hasn’t worked out so well.

Avery is overwhelmed not only with the grief of losing her daughter, but with the fear that she’ll lose someone else she loves—her husband James. This time not to death, but to the secret demons he’s been using to cope with the loss of their little girl. Day after day she’s been privately battling to save him and their marriage, but it’s only left her exhausted and lonely. Tired of pretending, she turns to the strongest women she knows. Together they help her face the truth and realize that the only person she can save is herself. But will it cost her the person she loves the most? Or will James remember who he is and hold on to the person he holds most dear?

Content warning: This book contains sensitive subject matters including pornography addiction and the loss of a child.

I can honestly say that Jennifer Peel has one crazy, wonderful gift for writing tangible, emotional stories that stay with you long after you finish reading in them.  The way she allows me, as a reader, to become so emotionally invested in not only the story but the characters as well, always leaves me amazed.  I have no idea how she does it but I always end her stories feeling grateful to be a reader.  Not all Jennifer Peel books dig this deep into the difficulties of life but all her books breathe with real emotion.  It's something I've come to count on.

I need to say upfront that this book tackles some real, raw and hard topics.  There are many possible triggers in this book for people.  Please read my content description for a detailed list so you can decide for yourself if this book is right for you.  I will also direct you to the author's page to read what she has to say about writing this book.  Click here.

This book.  Wow.  I had a hard time putting it down.  When I did, I was thinking about it and anxious to get back.  Emotionally, this was not an easy book to read (you should keep tissues on hand) but it is beautifully written and it took me on a journey.  There is a ribbon of hope through the darkest moments and I can honestly say that this book ends in a lovely place of healing and love.  For me, it was a journey worth taking.

Avery is a good person.  Better than I would be in her situation.  I admired her strength even when she felt at her weakest.  It was especially good to see the characters from previous books in this series step in and rally around both Avery and James as family and friends.  

I would say that this book can stand alone but you will have a much stronger connection it if you read the whole series in order.  It will help you have a clear view of the family, their motivations and their history together.

Content:  frequent mild swearing, situations involving pornography- use and addiciton, emotional and verbal affairs, discussion and mention of intimate relations between a husband and wife, loss of a child,  alcohol abuse

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Winter Companion (Parish Orphans of Devon #4) by Mimi Matthews

She Needed to be Seen...

As a lady’s companion, Clara Hartwright never receives much attention from anyone. And that’s precisely how she likes it. With a stormy past, and an unconventional plan for her future, it’s far safer to remain invisible. But when her new employer is invited to a month-long holiday at a remote coastal abbey, Clara discovers that she may not be as invisible as she'd hoped. At least, not as far as one gentleman is concerned.

He Wanted to be Heard...
Neville Cross has always been more comfortable with animals than people. An accident in his youth has left him with a brain injury that affects his speech. Forming the words to speak to his childhood friends is difficult enough. Finding the right things to say to a lovely young lady’s companion seems downright impossible. But Miss Hartwright is no ordinary companion. In fact, there may not be anything ordinary about her at all.

During a bleak Devon winter, two sensitive souls forge an unexpected friendship. But when Clara needs him most, will Neville find the courage to face his fears? Or is saying goodbye to her the most heroic thing he can do?

  * Amazon * Goodreads

If you are following me on Facebook, Instagram or Goodreads, you will know that Mimi Matthews is my new author obsession.  I started with the first book in this series and then worked my way forward and back.  I have loved all the books.  Did you know that this author does a serial novel- releasing a chapter at a time- in her newsletter?  It's SO good and it's also driving me nuts because one chapter per month is a horrible way to read a novel by this author!!  I lack patience.  If you are interested in Mimi or in joining her newsletter you can do so HERE.

This is the fourth book in this series.  I would recommend reading them in order for your best reading enjoyment.  The characters from previous books play a large role in each book so it has a building feel to it.  This book especially.  All four friends are together for the Christmas holiday and knowing their backstories will really help.

I've been waiting and dreaming of Neville's story.  I knew there would be so much to learn with him.  We've been getting bits and pieces of his childhood accident through the other characters and their stories but it was so nice to actually get the story from Neville himself.  Neville is the most kind and gentle human.  I found him utterly charming and endearing.  I loved how Clara and Neville bond over the animals, each filling a need for the other in the most gentle and easy way.  I also loved the quiet of the barn and how crucial that peace was for Neville as opposed to the gathering inside the house which was louder, more jovial and consequently more oppressive to Neville.  Neville really stretches himself to be with Clara and wow, it is ever satisfying to read.

I loved this book.  I loved Neville.  I love this series.  I love this author. 💙  Don't hate me for using the L word too much.

Content:  there may have been a few instances of mild swearing and profanity (using God or Jesus as an exclamation) but I cannot remember exactly.  There were in previous books so there's a good chance.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book but have purchased my own copy as well.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

On Tour With A Girl's Guide to the Outback by Jessica Kate + Enter to Win A Book!

A Girl's Guide to the Outback
By Jessica Kate
Christian Contemporary Romance
Paperback, Audiobook & ebook, 368 Pages
January 28th 2020 by Thomas Nelson

How far will a girl go to win back a guy she can’t stand? This funny, sweet, and romantic story proves that opposites do attract—and that God has a sense of humor.

Samuel Payton is a passionate youth pastor in Virginia, but below the surface, he’s still recovering from the blow of a failed business and insecurities he can’t shake. His coworker, start-up expert Kimberly Foster, is brilliant, fearless, and capable, but years of personal rejection have left her defensive and longing for a family. Two people have never been more at odds—or more attracted to one another. And every day at work, the sparks sure do fly.

When Kimberly’s ambitious plans for Sam’s ministry butt up against his risk-averse nature, Sam decides that obligations to family trump his work for the church. He quits the ministry and heads home to Australia to help his sister, Jules, save her struggling farm. As Kimberly’s grand plans flounder, she is forced to face the truth: that no one can replace Sam. Together they strike up a deal: If Kimberly comes to work on Jules’s dairy farm and lends her business brains to their endeavor, then maybe—just maybe—Sam will reconsider his future with the church.

As Kimberly tries her hand at Australian farm life, she learns more about herself than she could’ve ever expected. Meanwhile Sam is forced to re-evaluate this spunky woman he thought he already knew. As foes slowly morph into friends, they wonder if they might be something even more. But when disaster strikes the farm, will Sam find it within himself to take a risk that could lead to love? And will Kimberly trust God with her future?

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository
Target | iBooks | Kobo | GooglePlay | TNZFiction

What a cute book!  I loved the setting and I loved getting to know the characters in this book.  They had depth and personality.  This author is great at creating scenes that I can easily visualize in my mind and I love how it all played out so vividly.

Kimberly is really like an onion with those layers being peeled back slowly, one at a time.  I loved her drive, her determination, her willingness to work hard and her desire to be a part of something bigger than just herself.  Who cannot relate with the desire to belong?  It really connected me to Kimberly.

When Kimberly arrives in Australia, she begins to become somewhat of a revelation for Sam too.  Watching him realize things not only about Kimberly but about his own life and tendencies was very satisfying.  And Jules?  She was fun.  I'm glad she got a happy ending too.  💙


Content:  kissing, mild peril, Christian fiction

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

About the Author

Australian author Jessica Kate writes inspirational romances with wit, sass, and grit. Jessica is a screenwriting groupie, cohost of the StoryNerds vlog and podcasts, and her favorite place to be—apart from Mum and Dad’s back deck—is a theme park. She has traveled North America and Australia, and samples her favorite pasta wherever she goes—but the best (so far) is still the place around the corner from her corporate day job as a training developer. She loves watching sitcoms with her housemates and being a leader in a new church plant.

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a print copy of Love and Other Mistakes by Jessica Kate
US only
Ends February 12, 2020

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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Adoring Abigail by Chalon Linton + Enter To Win This Book!

Captain Robert Wilkins has never aspired to grandeur. So when the returned war hero unexpectedly inherits the vast estate of Cattersley from his great-aunt, he feels woefully inadequate in his new role. Out of place in his lavish surroundings, his first glimmer of hope comes when he happens upon a lovely trespasser in his gardens.

Words have never come easily for Abigail Rutherford, and she prefers the solitude of exploring the gardens at the neighboring country estate to engaging in uncomfortable conversation. But when she unexpectedly encounters Captain Robert Wilkins in her place of solace, she is surprised at the immediate ease she feels in his presence. Soon her brightest moments are those spent with the captain. But even as their friendship grows into something more, outside forces have other plans for the two. Mr. Mead, the handsome vicar, has also taken a liking to the quiet and timid Abigail—and he will stop at nothing to ensure she becomes his wife.

I've been looking forward to this book since I heard it was coming out.  It seems like everyone read this book (and loved it!) before me.  Finally it's my turn.

This story is told in the first person with the alternating voices of Robert and Abigail.  I really loved getting both points of view and feeling the intimacy of their thoughts.  Robert and Abigail are both kind people.  Robert is very aware of everything going on around him.  He is invested in learning his new role and doing a good job.  He really pays attention to Abigail and notices the small things but he never pushes her or forces her to divulge things she is uncomfortable with.  Abigail is a character worth rooting for and honestly I couldn't help myself.  She's the underdog, unfairly repressed and insulted for most of her life.  I wanted all good things for her and even felt outrage on her behalf when people were mean. 

I could easily picture the people and places in this story.  It all flowed gently and easily.  All things led to a very sigh worthy ending and I really enjoyed it!

Content:  kissing, a couple instances of untoward advances

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions express are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, February 3, 2020

Loving Her Fling (Hidden Hollows #3) by Heather B. Moore

Can her love tame her fling?

Everly King’s life might be on a Plan B track, but she’s perfectly content with her job, her nights out at the movies, and putting her past behind her. She certainly doesn’t need to be reminded over and over that her sister is, well, engaged to Everly’s ex.

Austin Hayes is the architect hired to redesign Everly's beloved theater. As a widower with a young daughter, the last thing he wants is to juggle another relationship.

Thankfully, Austin is only in Hidden Hollows for a few weeks. A fake relationship seems exactly what both need. After all, when it’s just a fling, no one gets hurt. Right?

I love Heather B. Moore and I loved this book!  I am always drawn to fake to real scenarios.  I really loved the overall feel to this book.  It wasn't over the top or extreme but had a real, down to earth vibe that made me comfortable and happy.  The first meet in the movie theater was cute and really set the stage for the rest of the book.  It was great.

Everly is a fun character, a little quirky, and very sweet.  She seemed to know how to soothe people and help them feel better.  Everly tends to put other people before herself which is a great quality but I also loved when she took a stand and let her voice be heard.  Austin is patient with Everly, especially in the beginning when her emotions come to the front with the injustice she felt over the movie theater.  I love how he listened to her and tried to please her.  

This is the third book in this Hidden Hollows series and I haven't read the others.  Each book in this series is written by a different author and each book can stand alone.  This book is on KU if you have that.

Content:  kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.