
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Undercover Honeymoon by Kari Iroz + Win This Book!

Wedding bells are finally ringing for Jacklyn “Jack” Wyatt and her FBI-agent fiancé, Damon Wade. After their adventurous beginning, the happy couple finds the relative calm leading up to their big day a huge relief. Unfortunately, it seems the peace and quiet were too good to last. As they embark on their honeymoon, a weeklong cruise, Jack can’t shake the feeling that something is off with her new husband. When she stumbles upon a secret plot—one in which her husband is a key player—she realizes this getaway will be anything but smooth sailing. When she delves into the shady happenings aboard the ship, Jack realizes Damon’s involvement is just the tip of the iceberg—she has become an unwitting player in a deadly conspiracy, and in such close quarters, there is no escape. Now, Jack has no choice but to work with her new husband to unravel the truth before their happily ever after—and their lives—are ended all too soon.

Just as an FYI up front, this book contains some religious elements specific to the LDS religion.  

This is the third book in this series even though it isn't labeled as a series.  I don't know why it isn't.  (I'll list all three books below)  Even though the author does a good job of filling in the past with enough to get by, I would highly recommend reading this series in order.  It will mean so much more if you do.  And it's such a fun set of books, you really can't go wrong.

Jacklyn "Jack" is an amusing character.  She always has an inner dialogue running in her head and most of the time it is greatly amusing.  I like to be amused.  Actually, Jacklyn reminds me a bit of Julia in the Spinster series if you've read those.  Maybe a titch less sarcastic, but it's the first person inner dialogue that makes me feel that way.

The first half of this book is really more familial.  Jack and Damon are getting married so we see the build up to that.  Bridal shower, picking up the dress, wedding preparations.  Then they leave on their honeymoon and that's where things really start to pick up.  I enjoyed the first part of the book well enough but it was the second half that finally sucked me in and had my undivided attention.  The pace picked up, the danger increased and I felt more invested in the plot.  I think I like the previous book better but this one was still very good- fun mixed with danger in an exotic location.  Maybe not the best book to read on a cruise ship vacation though!!  haha.

Content:  some violence, peril, kissing, LDS fiction (some religious elements)

Date with Danger (book 1)

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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Piper Prince (Forbidden Forest #2) by Amber Argyle

Can you hear him? The beast is coming for you. 

Long ago, a curse fell upon the land—a curse of forgetting and wraiths, a curse that ensured no daughters were born to the pied pipers in over three centuries. The pipers were all that stood between humanity and utter destruction, so they did the only thing they could: they stole the daughters of the nearby kingdom with their hypnotizing melodies. With the sons born from those unions, they continued to defend against the wraiths and fight the curse, even though they were slowly losing.

Larkin was one of those daughters. Stolen by Denan and married against her will, she found herself falling in love with the very man who had taken everything from her, the man who had made her a princess. Together, they discovered that she was the first woman in three centuries to possess the magic of the pipers, and therefore, the only person capable of breaking the ancient curse.

But breaking the curse means unraveling the very past the curse is intent on keeping secret. The answer lies buried in the crypts of the Black Druids, men who consider Larkin a traitor they’ll kill on sight. Embedded in the intrigues of their court, she unearths a dark conspiracy destined to hasten the destructive power of the curse—a conspiracy aimed at destroying her piper prince.

The Piper Prince is the second book in the Forbidden Forest series.  You should definitely read these books in order.  It took me a quick minute to remember exactly where the last book left off but as I read, things started coming back to me and I was once again sucked into Larkin's world.

Amber Argyle is excellent at creating characters that are clearly defined, layered and interesting.  This story has a constant forward momentum that kept me on the edge of my seat and anxious.  Larkin's world is in constant turmoil with different groups of people warring against each other.  It's a violent world, and Larkin, Denan and company are always on the move and always fighting.  Secrets are unraveling slowly but surely.  I was fully invested in the story, these characters and everything that was happening.  What a fantastic adventure!  I can't wait for the next book because as per usual with this author, I am left in a place where there isn't much resolution.  I really want the rest of the story!

Content:  violence, death, mild innuendo between a married couple, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Waves (Love In Chaos #1) by Amy Matayo

Dillon Hayes is twenty-eight and single, an unfortunate status her overbearing family is determined to fix. So when she’s stuck on a cruise ship for a seven-day reunion with the lot of them, she's desperate for any escape she can find, even if it means partnering with a sketchy stranger for an off-the-beaten-path snorkeling excursion. After her mother's last matchmaking attempt, Dillon is more than willing to trade all her good sense for a few hours of solace.

Liam Gamble is stuck in the middle of family vacation hell. The worst part: it's not even his family. This will be the last time he ever accepts a free-vacation invitation from his best friend. At this point, he'd be willing to hand over his life savings to get off this crazy ship. So when he catches one of his friend's cousins sneaking off board, he decides to join her, hijacking her private excursion and nearly blowing her cover. If she gets to leave, so does he.

But what starts off as a secret escape turns into a very real nightmare when their shady tour guide leaves them stranded on an uninhabited island with nothing but the clothes on their backs and no idea how to keep themselves alive.

As hours turn into days, and the weather proves as threatening as their need for food and water, Dillon and Liam must join forces and rely on each other if they have any hope of seeing their families again. Funny thing: sometimes in life, the end of the rope is when you discover everything you value has been in front of you all along.

You know what?  I wish I had time to go back and read this book again right now.  As I sit here thinking about this book and what I want to say, all I really want to do is read it again.  I could probably just leave it at that for a review, don't you think?  Because nothing says "I love this book" better than wanting to read it again.

I am an Amy Matayo fan.  She writes books that fall right in my sweet spot.  Her characters have depth and personality.  In fact, this book has a whole load of memorable characters but I especially loved how Dillon and Liam learn about each other and rely on each other through a very frightening experience.  A deserted island sounds so perfect and romantic but when you are actually stuck there reality is just a tad different.  I hope I never know that personally!

This book played out like a perfect movie in my head.  I loved it.  And now I want to go to the beach.  Or on a cruise.  Or maybe I just want to read this book again!  😉  This book is available on Kindle Unlimited if you have that!

Content:  mild peril, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Beneath an Italian Sky (An American Heiress) by Stacy Henrie + Win This Book!


American heiress Clare Herschel made what she hoped was a love match when she married the handsome, witty Emmett Markham, the Earl of Linwood. A little over a year into her marriage, though, Clare finds herself wintering in Sicily—alone. She is sure the mild climate is the answer to avoiding another miscarriage and Emmett’s apparent indifference, so she’s determined to remain in Italy as long as possible. The last person she expects to show up at the villa is her husband, especially when Emmett confesses he’s there to convince her to return to England.

As the only surviving son of a marquess, Emmett has done everything his father has asked of him—even agreeing to run for a seat in the House of Commons. However, this latest task comes with a nearly impossible caveat. He must convince his wife Clare to come back to England with him in order for them to appear to be a happy couple for his political campaigning. Emmett isn’t confident Clare will agree to the plan, though, not when she seems to want nothing to do with him or the life they’d begun building before she abruptly left him for Italy.

When a massive earthquake strikes Messina, Sicily, claiming the lives of thousands, Clare and Emmett must set aside their mutual misgivings about their marriage in order to survive and lend a helping hand to others. But in the wake of the destruction, they begin to realize they’ve been given a chance to decide if their love is stronger than the upheavals of the past.

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

I've been looking forward to this book for so long.  Well, ever since the last book I read in this series.  This book officially released yesterday so you can pick it up too!  

I love when books are based around real historical events.  This one is set in Sicily when a massive, devastating earthquake hits.  The upheaval, turmoil and desperation were clearly present and I was caught up in the story, the characters and the emotion.

Both Clare and Emmett are so insecure.  They don't have very good communication skills which of course leads to so much misunderstanding and the only way to work through the mess is to talk it out.  That proves to be a bit difficult with an earthquake, trying to stay alive, and oh, a reporter who watches their every move.  But both Clare and Emmett are good people, trying to find their way and prove their worth.  I was really grateful to have both points of view throughout the story so I could know them both and love them equally.  The flashbacks helped provide the base for their initial love and gave me hope as a reader.

Even though this story is full of tragedy, it never felt overwhelming.  This author has a magical, peaceful way of writing.  The words fall gently and I love that.  I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait for the next one coming out in the fall.

Content:  mild peril, death, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

In the Pursuit of Eden by Stephanie Fowers

Everyone wants to find Eden’s Paradise. Except Ivy.

Ivy is a city girl through and through. So when she follows her twin brother into the forests of the Uintas to make a documentary about looking for a treasure that’s plagued her family for generations, she’s a little out of her element. It's the same treasure that ended her father's life. Add to that her run-ins with the dashing, but infuriating Aiden Hunter. The Southern hottie has rescued her so many times that it’s getting embarrassing. Of course, she’d be more grateful if she didn’t suspect him of putting her in danger in the first place—a danger that keeps growing the closer they get to the truth.

Forced to be allies, the two are thrown into each other’s paths, and she realizes that she has more in common with him than she thought. While Ivy searches for clues in the journal of a wayward saloon girl, Eden, to discover a life that mirrors her own, Hunter fights the demons in a past that seems tangled up in hers. His secrets are hers. The only way to get at the truth is to find an uneasy truce… and maybe something more because Hunter may not be the enemy. In fact, he may be the one who needs rescuing. Now, Ivy has to figure out who she wants by her side, and what she’s willing to give up for love.

After all, Paradise was never meant to be found alone.

I love a good adventure/love story and this book really filled that love.  The adventure was on from beginning to end in this story- stuffed full.  There were moments of light playfulness and flirty banter intermingled with the outdoor excursions and adventuring.  There were good guys and bad guys and sometimes it was hard to tell who was who.  I liked that a lot.  This whole book played out just like a movie in my head which was fantastic.

Ivy definitely seemed to find herself in less than flattering circumstances often- at least in the first half of the book.  They made me smile.  Especially when her Southern hottie kept stepping in to "save" her.  There was some good chemistry there.

This story was long.  So, so long.  I didn't realize just how long until I got into it.  Wow.  It's a long story- over 500 pages.  I definitely felt that while reading it but I was invested the whole way through.  This story was so much fun! 

Content:  mild peril, kissing

- I picked this book up on Kindle Unlimited.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Love in Bloom: A Destination of Heart Romance Book 3 by Lisa Swinton

Camille is supposed to keep her stress level down. A fake marriage is definitely against the doctor’s orders. 

Following a collapse at Lakr, her makeup company, workaholic Camille is sent to the French Riviera to reshape her health habits. The beach is beautiful, but boring, until Camille reunites with university chum Tristan. He does things to her heart her doctor wouldn’t approve of.

When he offers her the chance to attend the exclusive French Royal Château and Garden Tour, Camille jumps at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. However they’ll have to enter into a fake marriage to go on the tour.

On holiday from his research lab in India, Tristan is delighted to be reunited with Camille, his university crush. With each passing day, his feelings for her grow. Self doubt convinces him that he’s unworthy of her love. Tristan must protect her from the secrets of his past, even if it means breaking both of their hearts.

I was so excited to see a new book in this series!  Camille finally gets her love story.  Camille appeared in the previous book as such a vibrant character I was really hoping this book would be about her.

Camille starts this story out in a bad way.  She is overworked and has a complete physical collapse.  Her mind and body are in need of some healthy R&R and what better place to find that then the French Riviera?!  I'd sign up for that in a heartbeat but not Camille.  She is not happy to be there at all.  Crazy girl.

But then Tristan.  Camille sure perks up at the sight of him!  But poor Tristan is holding on to difficult things from his past and just can't seem to let them go.  He is so convinced in his mind that he isn't good enough for Camille.   There is a lot of frustration on both sides of this story and I felt that too.

I loved that there was some added depth to this story through Tristan's struggles.  It was a slow reveal of information which is really what kept me invested throughout this story.  I loved the concept of second chance at love and the pretend engagement that added some dynamic situations.  Although I love flowers and gardens, that part of the story got a little long for me.  The story definitely slowed down at the long descriptions of the many places the couple toured.  I could have done without quite so much of that.  Overall though, I think this was a lovely addition to this series.

Content:  some descriptions of violence, torture.  Kissing.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Weddings, Willows, and Revised Expectations by V. Joy Palmer

Seventeen years after being orphaned, Apryl Burns and her twin sister Courtney have their own expectations for life. While Courtney continues to shine at everything, Apryl holds fast to the mantra that as long as her potato chip stash remains intact, then she’ll be fine.

But when their beloved grandmother ends up injured and unable to manage her struggling antique store, Courtney makes it their mission to revamp the business and save what’s left of their family’s legacy. Despite rampant doubts in her abilities, Apryl finds herself trapped under the weight of family loyalty as they transition to a wedding venue decorating service. Soon she’s forced to ask (translation: blackmail) their grandmother’s renter/handyman, Chance McFarland, for help, an arrangement that is made even worse by the fact that Chance is her former (ahem, and current) crush.

Chance knows a few dozen things about family loyalty, which is why he begrudgingly agrees to Apryl’s insane plan. While Apryl claims they’re archenemies, the girl Chance only glimpsed in their teens starts to emerge, stealing what remains of his heart.

But expectations are a powerful thing. Amidst the glamorous weddings and swaying willows, can those old expectations be revised into something new?

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

V. Joy Palmer is a new to me author.  That's always a bit scary but a bit exciting too, especially when it turns out well and this one did turn out well.

I do have to say that this book is high on sarcasm and snark.  And by high, I mean really high.  I'm a girl that finds humor in some sarcasm and this book had plenty of moments that made me smile but there came a point when I wished Apryl would tone it down a bit.  Apryl is definitely a girl who uses sarcasm and snark as a shield of deflection and protection.  Her internal struggles are deep and the voices that tell her she will never be good enough are loud and strong.  This both humanizes Apryl and makes her completely frustrating, especially in context to Chance.  When Apryl finally lets go and decides to believe in herself I felt such a sense of relief.

Chance.  I simply adored him.  I swear he has the deepest well of patience.  That boy keeps coming back, showing up and trying no matter how many times he is knocked down and dragged through the mud.  He's a saint.  Oh, and he can definitely hold his own in a verbal sparring match with Apryl.  Thank goodness.  Chance is the reason I remained so invested in this story.  I loved the way he picked himself up after every down by reminding himself what he believes and why.  He kept his heart soft.

For the most part, I enjoyed the journey of this story.  I was always invested in the outcome, wishing and hoping for the very best.  The ending was very satisfying.

Content:  kissing, strong Christian elements

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Plague by Gregg Luke + Win a Copy of This Book!

Professor Mitch Pine knows all too well the history of epidemics, so the startling new information he’s discovered has him racing to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. Mitch has uncovered a startling pattern: dramatic environmental changes always occurred prior to devastating outbreaks, and current climate change may be such a catalyst. But before his plane lands, Mitch’s journey takes a terrifying turn. He is intercepted by a woman who represents a dangerous faction whose interest in Mitch’s research opposes his mission to save lives. To secure Mitch’s cooperation, his research assistant is being held hostage. With so many lives on the line, Mitch embarks on a turbulent trip around the world, uncovering pieces of the puzzle until he ultimately holds the key to prevent—or precipitate—global devastation. Unless he can find a way to stop the lunatics behind his abduction, a plague the likes of which the world has never known will be unleashed.

Author Gregg Luke has such a creepy, creative mind and I mean that in the best way.  His books always make me wonder how he comes up with such crazy ideas.  I would scare myself trying to come up with the things he writes about in his books!

I have to say that out of all of this author's books (that I've read), this was probably one of the least intense and fast paced.  It progressed slowly and lacked some of the intense forward momentum I've come to know in most of his other books.  Things picked up in the last third of the book but even then it still felt a bit more sedate.  I would say that this book was more about intellect, paying attention to small clues and piecing together information.

In this story we follow Mitch around the world, collection information that helps him piece together a puzzle of globally devastating consequences.  It's a lot of information gathering.  I liked that things were happening on dual fronts so we got multiple perspectives.  Mitch is a genuinely nice guy and it was easy to like him and to appreciate his intellect.  

The cover for this book is pretty cool, I think.  The actual physical book is textured which gives it a creepy sort of feel.  

Content:  some violence, peril

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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Monday, April 15, 2019

My Not So Wicked Ex-Fiancé (My Not So Wicked Series Book 2) by Jennifer Peel

He rocked her world. She wrecked his. Now their worlds are colliding again. 

Expensive schools and etiquette classes never prepared Shelby Duchane for Ryder Prescott. He taught her more about life in his hay field classroom beneath a blanket of stars than anyone. Under that Georgia sky, she pledged forever to the farm boy with soul-melting chocolate brown eyes, even though it meant forfeiting her large inheritance. She couldn’t wait to clip coupons and buy clothes off the sales rack until death do they part. But then she receives some photos of her intended with someone she had not intended. Brokenhearted, Shelby flees her hometown for Colorado without bothering to say goodbye to her cheating ex-fiancé.

A year later and wiser, Shelby’s doing her best to move on while running her boutique in Carrington Cove, when Ryder shows up and challenges all she thought she knew. Perhaps he wasn’t the wicked ex-fiancé she believed him to be after all. But will Ryder be able to swallow his pride enough to see why she was so persuaded? Will he realize before it’s too late that the only way to heal his own broken heart is to mend Shelby’s? 

Oh. My. Lan. Ta. Somewhere between Shelby's southern charm and Ryder's brooding masculinity, all my senses came alive. I was right there in the thick of it with Shelby; tormented, confused, sorry, desperate, determined, happy. My eyes saw Ryder (amen!), my ears heard Bobby Jay's support and confidence, my nose smelled those mouthwatering southern biscuits, and my heart twittered, pinged and pounded. It was SO, SO good.  

We first meet Shelby in My Not So Wicked Stepbrother.  She is a big part of the story but she isn't someone I was rooting for in that book.  I love that I had this chance to know her better and to love her.  She is a vibrant character who came across so clearly to me as a reader.  Her attraction to Ryder is palpable.  Yumma.  The intensity between Shelby and Ryder grows on every page.  

I also loved that the main characters in the previous book (Emma and Sawyer) were featured in this book as well.  It felt so good to have their familiar vibe threaded through Shelby's story.

 Thank you, Jennifer Peel, for another fantastic, romantic escape. I could live in your books forever.  

Oh, and one more thing.  I absolutely LOVE this cover.  The blue against the black and the sparkle!!  I just love it.  This book is available on Kindle Unlimited if you have that.

Content:  kissing, mild swearing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Songs of You and Me by Mylissa Demeyere Just $.99!

The Songs of You and Me by Mylissa Demeyere

Book Blurb:


Jane Hartford fell head over heels for Jackson at the tender age of fifteen. She spent most of high school pining for him, until she realized he wasn't going to see her as anything more than his baby sister's best friend. Now she finds herself single with a daughter, a broken heart, and songs that remind her of a long lost love.

Jackson Wright is a man living with regret. His biggest one, never acting on his feelings for Jane. When he returns to Bellebrook, the town they grew up in, he literally runs into her and his world gets tossed upside down and sideways.

This time, Jackson isn't willing to give up. With a meddling sister eager to push both of them together, he believes things might actually work out. That is, if they can overcome the heavy baggage they both carry. Follow Jackson and Jane as they revisit their past, figuring out what went wrong so long ago.

Will they learn they have the power to make things right in the present? 

What Readers are saying:

A tender debut novel that will leave you remembering the sweet angst of first love. The Songs of You and Me is a charmer. - Taylor Dean, author of I’m With You and Chasing Fireflies.

In this romantic debut about first love, second chances, Ms. DeMeyere weaves the past and present together in a way that brings the characters' hearts to life as they heal from tragedies and struggle to move on in life. Sweet and heartwarming. – Charissa Stastny, author of Between Hope and the Highway and the Rules out Romances Series.

A fun and enticing love story that combines the bitter with the sweet and keeps you laughing amidst the tears. You won't want to miss this touching story that explores true love in all its depth and beauty. – Aubrey, Amazon Reviewer

The Songs of You and Me pulled me in from page one. The characters came to life and I felt as if I was part of their story. I stayed up night after night fascinated with their personal and individual challenges. Their obstacles were relatable and tugged at my heart. I couldn’t wait to finish and yet I didn’t want it to end. As I read the last page, I was ecstatic to see what would come next from Mylissa Demeyere. – Jamie, Amazon Reviewer

Jane (15 years old)
“What was so funny back there?” He asked as his pen stalled.
“Huh?” I pretended not to know what he was talking about as I paged through the book in front of me.
“You know what I mean.” He pushed the subject a little harder.
“Oh, you know the effect you have on the female student body, Jackson. You don’t need me to spell it out for you.”
“Do I now?” He wagged his brows.
“Seriously, you know you’re the popular jock and you actually have half a brain. It’s a rare phenomenon as opposed to the others on the team that only have the looks but are so lacking in other areas.”
“Half a brain?” He looked genuinely insulted. Poor guy. I was sure he got enough of girls stroking his ego, he didn’t need me to help in that department.
“Yes, half a brain. Need I remind you, I’m a freshman helping out a senior with his English paper?”
His smug smile faltered, and his left eyebrow scrunched up. I guess I just took this guy down a notch or two. “I didn’t think so,” I continued. “You’re going to attract fans anywhere you go.”
“Are you a fan, Jane?”
I felt the color rise in my cheeks. His comment hit a little too close to home.
“You’re feeling pretty good about yourself right now, aren’t you? Do you want me to bring you a mirror and give you a moment alone?” I managed to divert the attention from me and set him straight.
“Never mind, I’m good. Let’s get to work.”

Mylissa Demeyere was born in Belgium, and resides in the beautiful city of Ghent. She lives in a somewhat organized home with her four beautiful children and the love of her life. If she isn’t working, she’s writing, running, reading, or enjoying time with her kids, who are growing up way too fast.

The Songs of You and Me is her debut novel, with a sequel already in the works.

Connect with Mylissa online:

Buy The Songs of You and Me online:


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A Song for the Stars by Ilima Todd

Hawaiian Islands, 1779
As the second daughter of a royal chief, Maile will be permitted to marry for love. Her fiancé is the best navigator in Hawaiʻi, and he taught her everything he knows—how to feel the ocean, observe the winds, read the stars, and how to love.

But when sailors from a strange place called England arrive on her island, a misunderstanding ends in battle, and Maile is suddenly widowed before she is wed.

Finding herself in the middle of the battle and fearing for her life, Maile takes John Harbottle, the wounded man who killed her fiancé, prisoner, and though originally intending to let him die, she reluctantly heals him. And in the process, she discovers the man she thought was her enemy might be her ally instead.

John has been Captain James Cook’s translator for three voyages across the Pacific. He is kind and clearly fascinated with her homeland and her people—and Maile herself. But guilt continues to drive a wedge between them: John’s guilt over the death he caused, and Maile’s guilt over the truth about what triggered the deadly battle—a secret she’s kept hidden from everyone on the island.

When Maile is tasked with teaching John how to navigate using the stars so he can sail back to England, they must also navigate the challenges of being from very different cultures. In doing so, they might also find the peace that comes when two hearts become one.

This story was so lovely.  I felt transported to another place and time and my heart expanded with every turn of the page.  Knowing that this story was based on the true story of the author's ancestors made it even more intriguing.  The whole story felt fresh and new- so unlike all the other books I've been reading lately.

The Hawaiian people have such a rich history.  Their culture and customs have always fascinated me.  Imagine being from another continent and country and coming across these people for the first time in history.  This book sparked all kinds of thoughts in my mind.

I love the feeling of being caught up in a story and not wanting to put it down.  This book reads so beautifully and I just loved it.  The emotional feelings were all there along with the flutters in my tummy at the slightest touch of a pinky finger.  I feel fortunate to have been able to read this book.  It's one of my favorites this year so far.

Content:  some violence, death, peril.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.



Thursday, April 4, 2019

A Rancher to Remember (Rocky Mountain Cowboys #6) By Karen Rock + $50 and Book Giveaway! 

A Rancher to Remember
(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #6)
By Karen Rock
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 368 Pages
April 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming

They can’t change the past…

but they can choose their future

Globe-trotting journalist Cassidy Fulton is back in Carbondale, Colorado. Only she can’t remember why—or the accident that killed her estranged sister. Helping her piece together this mystery is her brother-in-law and former fiancé, Daryl Loveland. Overcoming their grief seems impossible. Yet one thing is clear: Cassidy can’t imagine her life without Daryl or her adorable niece and nephew. But can the ranch ever really be her home?

I lovey lovey love this series!  It has all sorts of hunky alpha males and strong females lighting up the pages.  I've grown attached to the Cade and Loveland families because while each book focuses primarily on one person, the whole family is still around and showing up on the pages.  It gives the series a real sense of family and home.  I don't think you have to read this series in order but you will definitely be happier if you do.

Daryl and Cassidy have history.  It's as painful and difficult to navigate as the present.  Old feelings and new feelings collide and it's stressful!  I'm talking about me here.  It was stressful for me.  haha.  I was personally invested in both Daryl and Cassidy.  I wanted them to figure things out, heal old wounds and be happy.  It was a roller coaster of emotions and wow, did things end in a dramatic way!  This book and it's characters were completely different than any of the other books.  It felt fresh and exciting.  I loved it!

Content:  death, peril, mild violence, kissing

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Award-winning author Karen Rock is both sweet and spicy—at least when it comes to her writing! The author of both YA and adult contemporary books writes sexy suspense novels and small-town romances for Harlequin and Kensington publishing. A strong believer in Happily-Ever-After, Karen loves creating unforgettable stories that leave her readers with a smile. When she’s not writing, Karen is an avid reader who also loves cooking her grandmother’s Italian recipes, baking and having the Adirondack Park wilderness as her backyard, where she lives with her husband, daughter, dog and cat who keep her life interesting and complete. Learn more about her at or follow her on twitter at
 On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon eGift Card - Open Internationally
1 winner will receive signed, print copies of the first five books in the Rocky Mountain Cowboys series (Christmas at Cade RanchFalling for a CowboyBad Boy RancherA Cowboy's Pride & Winning the Cowboy's Heart) - US Only
- Ends April 10, 2019

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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Charming the Shortstop (Belltown Six Pack #3) by Heather B. Moore

He’s not looking. She’s been burned. But sparks fly, and they decide to go on a date. Just this once.

When professional baseball player Axel Diaz travels back to Belltown University for a friend’s wedding, he’s not planning on bringing a date. Until he meets Brighton West, the flight attendant who he can’t get off his mind. Although dubbed “Cold Axe” by some of his female fans, Axel asks Brighton to be his date to the wedding, all the while wondering why of all times and places he is breaking his no-dating streak. But the more he gets to know Brighton, the more he realizes she may be the one woman who can melt his cold heart.

Welcome to Belltown! Six baseball players meet in the college town of Belltown, Massachusetts, becoming best friends, their lives intertwining as they each get called up to the Major Leagues.

* Amazon * Goodreads *

Ooooh.  😍  That's how I feel about this book.  I've got spring fever and baseball fever and this book just hit my sweet spot.  I love that the baseball moments felt like baseball and that the sparking chemistry between Axel and Brighton felt, well, sparky!  (thank you for the excellent kissing scenes, Heather B. Moore!)  I was caught up from the very beginning and I probably read through this book way too fast but I just couldn't help myself.  It was yummy!  This is a fun series and I can't wait for more!  This book is available on KU if you have that. 

Content:  kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Seven at Sea: Why a New York City Family Cast Off Convention for a Life-Changing Year on a Sailboat by Erik Orton, Emily Orton

Working the night shift as a temp in a high-rise cubicle, Erik Orton knew something had to change. He felt the responsibility of providing for his wife and their five children—the youngest with Down syndrome—but craved a life that offered more than just surviving.

Watching the sailboats on the Hudson River during his sunset dinner breaks, Erik dared to dream. What would it be like to leave the hustle of the city and instead spend a year on a sailboat, somewhere beautiful, as a family? Despite having no sailing experience, his wife Emily’s phobia of deep water, and already stretching every dollar to pay rent and buy groceries, the family of seven turned their excuses into reasons and their fears into motivation. Sure, they would miss their friends, they could go broke, they could get injured or die. Worst of all, they could humiliate themselves by trying something audacious and failing. But the little time they still had together as a family, before their oldest daughter left for college, was drifting away. The Ortons cast off the life they knew to begin an uncertain journey of 5,000 miles between New York City and the Caribbean, ultimately arriving at a new place within themselves.

A portrait of a captivating and resilient family and a celebration of the courage it takes to head for something over the horizon, this is a deeply compelling story—told alternately by Erik and Emily—for all those who dream of leaving routine in their wake.

I have never wanted to live on a boat.  Ever.  And after reading this book?  I'm even more convinced that I would never, ever want to live on a boat.  But, it takes all kinds of people to make this world go around and I like reading about people who are different than me, who have different dreams and go for them.

This book is told from alternating perspectives of both authors, Erik and Emily Orton.  I'm really glad it was that way because it was Emily's insights that really connected me to this story.  Maybe that's because I am a woman?  A wife?  A mother?  I'm not sure but one thing I do know is that Emily is a saint among women.  She supported her husband's dream and helped bring it to fruition.  I mean, five kids on a boat?  Doing school and balancing chores, meals and everything else?  She was the glue that held everything together and I really came away from the book with a healthy admiration for her.

The pacing of this book is slow, but there were interesting things that kept me going.  I think the Ortons are a great of example of daring to dream and making those dreams become reality.  My dreams may not be the same as theirs, but I love the reminder that with planning, hard work and determination, dreams can come true.

Content:  mild peril, an instance or two of mild swearing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.