
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Midwinter's Eve Giveaway Hop!

Happy Holidays, everyone!  It's time for another blog hop giveaway!  Yay!  I'm giving away a $12 Amazon gift card.  Thanks for stopping by!
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  1. One of my favorite traditions is somewhat devious...for years my older sister has gotten a little Scrooge like and not liking Christmas all that much and every year when I ask what she wants for Christmas I am told nothing.

    Though granted she does eventually get into the spirit and will start telling me ideas. I just got to ask her when the mood is right! LOL!

    But anyway, at one point she mentioned not liking opening presents. Yeah, I question how we're related too. Her daughter takes after me more in some ways! LOL! We share a birthday, so I guess that's why!

    Anyway, I'm making a short story long. One year I decided to double wrap her gift. I wrapped it up in a box and then put that in a bigger box and wrapped that one up too! So it's always double wrapped so to speak! I had to have started this in middle school or maybe high school and I keep doing it every year! LOL! She's come to expect it by now and if anything she has her daughter open it, but I still enjoy tormenting her with this holiday tradition!

    To be fair, I do give her a break on her birthday in November! I only wrap that one once! So I can be a nice sister! ;)

  2. We open our gifts on Christmas Eve.

  3. Each year, we make baklava for the family. We usually make 2-4 different kinds. It's pretty fun to experiment with it - chocolate, orange, berries.

  4. One tradition that I have is helping out with a nativity display our community puts on. We feature hundreds of nativities from all over the world and artwork from local artists. It's a really cool event every year.

    Dena @ Batch of Books

  5. Movie binging with my family the week of Christmas

  6. All my children, grandchildren, and now a great-grandchild get together at one of my children's homes on Christmas day. We don't live near each other, so it's really good to see everyone. Lots of food and fun.

  7. Dad sets up his model train layout around the tree.

  8. Every year our family meets here for the holidays.

  9. Making traditional sweets of my country! Thank you for the giveaway!

  10. Just the immediate family coming together for christmas.

  11. I always make gingerbread houses with my girls before Christmas.

  12. No special holiday traditions anymore.

  13. Just christmas dinner with the family :D

  14. One of my holiday traditions is baking and decorating gingerbread men and women cookies with my grandsons!

  15. I haven't come up with any holiday traditions yet!

  16. One of my Holiday traditions is opening the presents that my aunt sent on Christmas eve.

  17. Every year since I was little I've made the Christmas Wreath for the front door. I always add something special in memory of friends/family who may have died in the year. For instance, this year I've put tiny fresh lemons in memory of Aggie who loved her gin & tonic!

  18. Nope. I have no holiday traditions.

  19. Making gingerbread cookies; thanks for the giveaway. :)

  20. We have two that we've done every year for quite some time now. First is we always open one gift on Christmas Eve and it's ALWAYS pjs or pj bottoms. The second is each year we get an ornament that signifies something that we've done that year. Easy example is when we each graduated from college we got a cap ornament. My little sister graduated in May and she's counting on that graduation cap ornament lol.

  21. Christmas morning the family wakes up, sits on the stairs, takes pictures, and then goes into the family room to see what Santa brought. We open those presents, play for about an hour, and then make waffles, fruit, and whip cream for breakfast!

  22. My favorite holiday tradition is waking up at 4 am on Christmas morning to open presents!

  23. Ours are pretty traditional--family parties, lots of food and gifts, and a turkey dinner on Christmas evening. Merry Christmas!

  24. We make Chinese food for Christmas Eve dinner!

  25. Spending time with my children and grandsons ⛄

  26. We open our gifts on Christmas Eve. This year we may go to the candlelight service first.

  27. We always bake and decorate sugar cookies on Christmas Eve, in our new Christmas jammies!


  28. My favorite holiday tradition is baking Christmas cookies with my daughter like I did with my mom and grandmother

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  29. Having pizza every christmas eve! :)


  30. On Christmas Eve, my family and I go over to my grandmother's house for a yummy Christmas dinner and then open gifts.

  31. We always have a HUGE breakfast on Christmas day before we open presents.

  32. We have always opened presents among ourselves on Christmas Eve and then Santa comes to the children on Christmas morning.

  33. My tradition is to watch the original version of A Christmas Carol with Alistair Sim, every Christmas Eve around midnight :)

  34. One of our traditions is to have cinnamon rolls for breakfast on Christmas morning.

  35. decorating our Christmas tree with bird ornaments exclusively

  36. we go to grandma's house every year. nothing to special but a nice time still :)

  37. Every year no matter what since my dad passed back in 2005, I took up his tradition of making a huge breakfast. I mean huge. It will happen till I can't make that breakfast anymore.
    Happy Holidays!

  38. We made Christmas Tree listening Christmas songs :)

  39. We get together at my house for holiday dinners.

  40. We have a Ukranian Christmas with all the trimmings.

  41. Every year my family has a tradition of making and decorating a gingerbread house.

  42. When my two siblings and I were very young, our Grandma started the tradition of hiding a small plastic bird in our Christmas tree (it was notable for the Band-Aid on its left leg, courtesy of a run-in with the family dog). The three of us would search high and low to find the bird, which was supposed to bring the finder luck in the coming year. Once we were adults, our mom wanted us to continue the ritual with our own families, so she gave each of us a replica of a red cardinal. And ever since we’ve enjoyed watching the next generation search for these birds.

  43. We have posadas and piñatas on the Holidays, it's really fun!! Lots of delicious food as well :)

  44. My large family (have 6 siblings, their spouses or girlfriends, grandparents, grandkids, nieces & nephews, friends) all gather at my house for Christmas Day lunch. It's a family tradition our mother started and we still get together every Christmas Day to laugh, reminesce, hang out, catch up with each other, watch the little ones open their presents & have a great time.

  45. Every year we have a get together with friends around Christmas time. I sort of party where everybody brings a dish.

  46. We go to Longwood Gardens the last week of December. It's always fun to see the gigantic, beautifully decorated trees in the greenhouse. Also seeing all the other pretty plants is a fun time too.

  47. We always bake cut-outs and watch Christmas movies.

  48. nope not really, just hanging out with the family and getting some extra things done around the house.

  49. The adults in our family draw names and then we all get together on Christmas Eve for dinner and opening presents.

  50. We always play board games together on Christmas night-usually scrabble.

  51. we always spend xmas eve with my sister. never miss.
    we open our stockings in bed.
    we take a carriage ride through the park to see the lights.

  52. Making my great-grandma's sugar cookies

  53. We like to have game night (or day).

  54. I stay up all night on Christmas Eve with my mom, baking and wrapping presents.
    RC- Tara Woods

  55. We decorate cookies together and watch Christmas movies!

  56. Decorating house and tree. Always open our presents Christmas Eve.And cook for Chritmas dinner with family.

  57. Christmas Eve we open on gift, a game and then play it as a family!

  58. Our holiday traditions depend on where we are spending Christmas. Although I think that I'm starting a holiday tradition of giving Bandaids to my son (with a note inside leading to another gift). It's something of a joke that started a couple of years ago.

  59. We always get together as a family for my kids birthday (december 11) and celebrate Christmas at the same time.

    Thanks for giving.

    Besos Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

  60. Traditional food prepared for the Christmas, gifts are given always after the dinner on December 24th. Lubka K.

  61. With two younger kids, we have several traditions. As they grow, though, I know I'm going to have to change them from time to time. One that I have with my sister started back when I was about 16. Every year I give her a calendar. It's just something I've always done.

  62. We like to drive around to look at Christmas lights and decorations.

  63. Just spending time with family and eating cookies!

  64. Making Greek Christmas cookies together

  65. Watching Love Actually with my siblings :)

    - Ana M

  66. We always have a Christmas cookie back every year, the Sunday before Christmas! Everyone goes to my sisters, and we all bring items to make some cookies. We have so much fun and we all get to leave with some great cookies!

  67. Every year we make a traditional Italian dish the week before christmas.

  68. We love decorating the tree. Thanks for the chance!

  69. We always watch Santa Claus: The Movie on Christmas eve. Been doing it since I was a child and used to love watching it with my mum, sister and Nan.

  70. We have a lot of holiday traditions. The holidays are a really special time in my family. One of my favorite is decorating gingerbread houses. It is so much fun.

  71. I like opening one present on Christmas Eve and then going to Midnight Mass.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  72. We don't really have any special holiday tradition

  73. Christmas baking with the kiddos. We made way too many peanut butter balls this year!!!

  74. On Christmas eve we drive around town and look at Christmas lights

  75. Since in my country we celebrate Christmas differently, we have this tradition on the morning before Christmas, kids go from house to house and sing a Christmas song (they are representing the little angels who were announcing the birth of Christ) and people give them hard candies, walnuts, mandarins, apples. Every kid is looking forward to this day all year round!

    ~ KateS

  76. Gathering with our extended family on Christmas Eve to catch up and eat great food.

  77. We make home made spaghetti sauce on Christmas Eve.

  78. My favorite tradition is getting everyone in the car to ride around and look at the Christmas decorations!

  79. We do cookie swaps with the whole family. It is nice getting a variety of cookies while only baking one type. :)

  80. we just make tons of tamales everyone helps makes things go faster !

  81. Nothing too special around here :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    -Amber Terry-

  82. No, not really.Just hanging around with friends and family :)

  83. I always have to watch It's A wonderful Life

  84. My siblings and I always watch holiday movies together!

  85. Our special holiday tradition is opening one present on Christmas Eve which is always heistmas pajamas. Then we drink hot cocoa and snuggle up and we all watch Christmas oldest is 14 and it's still one of her fav parts of Christmas! I started that when she was born because I always wanted to open a present on Christmas Eve but was never allowed to!

  86. We usually make homemade peanut brittle!

  87. Not really, but my parents give me a new tree decoration on christmas eve, something my nana started and they carried on after she died.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  88. Reading, puzzles, games(new and old), listening to lots of Christmas music, singing the Messiah with our community, lots of baking of goodies to give away, watching old and new Christmas movies and lots and lots of family time! <3

  89. We all get together to decorate the house and the tree, open 1 gift on Christmas Eve, eat a huge breakfast as a family and then visit with family and friends and eat ourselves silly

  90. Just spending time with my family !

  91. We don't have any holiday traditions.

  92. We all get together in the week prior to Christmas to bake cookies and Christmas movies.

  93. Our (small) family used to have all kinds of special traditions that I'd look forward to all year long. My favorite was simply spending time together at my mom's house on Christmas Eve. For the past few years, though, I haven't been included in my family's holiday celebrations.

  94. Decorating with all my favorite and sentimental items. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Ann S

  95. Every Christmas our extended family gets together to decorate cutout sugar cookies. This year we decorated over 300 cookies. The more frosting the better.

  96. My favorite traditions of the holidays from the past days to present are opening the gifts with my family and enjoying a baked ham.


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