
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sleeping Beauty and the Beast by Melissa Lemon

Trapped in a cursed sleep, the only experiences Princess Eglantine has are the ones in her dreams. There she meets Prince Henry of Fallund, a neighboring kingdom on the brink of war.

Meanwhile, Prince Henry's brother Duncan discovers a vicious beast imprisoned for murder. Captivated by her, he works to free her from both the prison bars she's locked behind and the ones surrounding her heart and mind. Sleeping Beauty and the Beast reinvents and seamlessly intertwines the classic fairy tales Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast.

This is a fairy tale re-telling like you've never encountered.  I don't know how author Melissa Lemon comes up with these ideas but I love them.  I think this book is my favorite of hers so far.  It's a little twisted!

I love how the two different fairy tales are merged into one that interconnects.  In this book, the "beast" is a female which is also a different take.

Two brothers are unexpectedly thrown into ruling a kingdom when their parents pass away.  These two brothers couldn't be more different but at the heart of it, they are really much the same.  I love how each brother has his own story going on but neither of them realize how much their individual stories depend on each other.

This book was fanciful, fun and intriguing.  From the very beginning.  I couldn't put it down.  I loved it and I know my daughter is going to enjoy this one too.  

This book is clean- no swearing, profanity or sexual situations.

Melissa Lemon is the author of two other fairy tale retellings: Cinder and Ella and Snow Whyte and the Queen of Mayhem. She is also the author of a sweet romance called Blue Sky. Writing is just one of her passions. She also loves music, reading, baking and exercising. She is wife to a patient man, mother to three spunky girls, and warden to a tolerant cat named Matilda.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Four Weddings and a Kiss: A Western Bride Collection

In 1885 five western preachers sit around a campfire talking about unlikely couples they've seen God bring together.

“Spitfire Sweetheart” by Mary Connealy

Maizy MacGregor's reckless ways injured rancher Rylan Carstens, endangering his livelihood. So she signs on as his caregiver--but just until he's well enough to run his ranch. Maizy's tender care soon has Rylan falling hard and fast. Can these two willful souls give up their solitary ways to embrace love?

“A Love Letter to the Editor” by Robin Lee Hatcher

Molly Everton writes the most popular features in her town's newspaper. When newcomer Jack Ludgrove is named the new editor, Molly is flabbergasted. She wants the position for herself and will do what it takes to get it. But Jack is not easily intimidated. He’s determined to change Molly's mind about him--and win her heart too.

“A Cowboy for Katie” by Debra Clopton

After the tornado, Katie Pearl must rebuild her ranch. But she can't do it on her own. Treb Rayburn is a cowboy with a serious case of wanderlust. He signs on to help Katie so he can afford a new horse. But once Treb gets to know Katie, will his desire to stay drown the call of the open road?

“Courting Trouble” by Margaret Brownley

Grace Davenport is a young widow in a heap of trouble. When her son asks attorney Brock Daniels to take on her case, Brock plans to say no. But then he meets the lovely Grace. As Brock and the boy work to free Grace, Brock discovers that her arrest may be the best thing that's ever happened to him.

This book has been on my radar for awhile now.  I've been seeing and hearing good things about it and I decided it was time for me to get my hands on a copy and get reading!  :)  What attracted me to this book was first, the authors who I know are talented and write good, clean romance.  Second, I was attracted to the old western setting.  I'm a sucker for a good western romance.

The book begins with a prologue.  A group of ministers sit around the fire one night after a retreat of sorts.  One of the ministers, a young guy just starting out, is bemoaning the fact that the girl he loves is the wrong kind of girl for him.  He is convinced that she doesn't fit the mold of a preacher's wife.  The older, wiser gentlemen of the group begin to share stories of some of the most unlikely of match's they have known.

Each novella is told by a different author.  The stories are individual and not interconnected in any way.  They each have their own style.  Honestly, I really loved them all.  I thought they were well done and each one made me smile.  Sometimes with novella length stories you end feeling like you just didn't get enough of the story but with these, I felt like I knew the characters.  There was good development and the happily ever after resolutions that I am always craving.

My thanks to Thomas Nelson Publishing and NetGalley who made it possible for me to read this book.

You can pick up your own copy of "Four Weddings and a Kiss" at Amazon.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Magnolia by Kristi Cook + $25 Giveaway!

by Kristi Cook
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Release Date: August 5th 2014


In Magnolia Branch, Mississippi, the Cafferty and Marsden families are southern royalty. Neighbors since the Civil War, the families have shared vacations, holidays, backyard barbecues, and the overwhelming desire to unite their two clans by marriage. So when a baby boy and girl were born to the families at the same time, the perfect opportunity seemed to have finally arrived.

Jemma Cafferty and Ryder Marsden have no intention of giving in to their parents' wishes. They're only seventeen, for goodness' sake, not to mention that one little problem: They hate each other! Jemma can't stand Ryder's nauseating golden-boy persona, and Ryder would like nothing better than to pretend stubborn Jemma doesn't exist.

But when a violent storm ravages Magnolia Branch, it unearths Jemma's and Ryder's true feelings for each other as the two discover that the line between love and hate may be thin enough to risk crossing over.

I honestly think my favorite part of this book was the deep south setting in Mississippi, the ingrained customs, the violent storm and the swampy river.  Those were the things that made this book feel alive and textured to me.  I've never been to Mississippi but I'd like to.  Well, I'd like to go when there weren't hurricanes threatening!

Jemma and Ryder have grown up together.  They know each other well but misunderstanding still takes over in a delicate time for them and neither one knows how to move past that.  Since then it's been a mostly hate relationship fed mostly by Jemma who doesn't know how to communicate at all.  Instead of confronting the situation and asking Ryder directly about it, she takes on the hate role and plays it to perfection.  For years.

I'm not sure I'm an outright fan of Jemma but I do love her mad shooting abilities.  

I am a firm fan of Ryder though.  

The classic struggle of expectation verses desire is present for both Jemma and Ryder in this book.  Not just for their relationship but for college decisions as well.  Their parents have expectations for them.  Jemma and Ryder both have different desires for themselves though and fight against the carefully laid plans their parents set out.

This was an enjoyable book, a classic type of YA romance with the typical conflict and desire.  It was easy reading that didn't require much from me or my brain.  :)

The ending was good.  I'm a fan of resolution and happily ever after's.

There was swearing, including the F word, which I did not like at all.  I am a firm believer that strong language should not be included in YA books.  I know I may be in a minority on with this view but there it is.  The swearing was too much for me and I didn't like it.

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Follow the FFBC Magnolia Blog Tour and don't miss anything! Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

As a child, Kristi Cook took her nose out of a book only long enough to take a ballet class (or five) each week. Not much has changed since then, except she's added motherhood to the mix and enjoys penning her own novels as much as reading everybody else's. A transplanted southern gal, Kristi lives in New York City with her husband and two daughters.

That's the official version-here are some other fun facts:

~ As an undergrad, I majored in History and minored in English at the University of Southern Mississippi. While at Southern Miss, I was a member of Phi Mu sorority, and I was a Dixie Darling. And yep, Brett Favre was our quarterback at the time!

~ I studied American History in grad school at Columbia University. I *love* history, especially the Civil War era (U.S.) and Regency- and Edwardian-era British history.

~ My all-time favorite book *and* movie is GONE WITH THE WIND. My favorite literary characters are Rhett Butler, Atticus Finch, and Mr. Darcy. I kind of want to add Peeta Mellark to that list!

~Weirdly enough (or maybe not so weirdly?) I'm also a big fan of STAR TREK (the original series). I never can remember if I'm supposed to call myself a "Trekkie" or a "Trekker," though!

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Monday, July 28, 2014

Never Forgotten by Kelly Risser and Clean Teen Publishing

One minute Meara Quinn is making plans for the summer before her senior year. The next she finds out that her mother's cancer has returned and they're moving away from the only home she's ever known. Every day becomes a struggle as Meara tries to cope with her mother's illness while being forced to move to another country to live with grandparents who are strangers.

Add weird visions of a father who was absent her entire life and top it all off with one whopping secret that everyone seems bent on keeping from her, and Meara has the perfect ingredients for a major melt down. The only things keeping her from coming unglued are some new friends and Evan—the son of her mother's childhood friend—who seems to know Meara almost better than she knows herself.

Together with Evan and her friends, Meara embarks on a new journey to unlock the secrets that will not only tell Meara who she is, but what she is.

I'm really excited about today's post.  This is the start of a new relationship between myself and Clean Teen Publishing, who I will tell you about more and in great detail after my review of this book, Never Forgotten.

First, I do love the cover of this book.  I love when book covers make sense and represent the story held within.  This one is pretty!

I will say that I enjoyed the story here, and the journey of Meara.  To me, this book was more sedate in it's telling.  Maybe gentle and lulling would be a better description.  There were no heart pounding moments or moments of desperation where, as a reader, I wanted to just tear through the pages to find out what was going to happen.  The paranormal aspect is minimal in this book but will definitely pick up in the next book.

I liked all the characters in this book, they were easy to imagine and I felt like I was there, hovering over them throughout the book.  I could easily see in my mind where they were and what they were doing.  Even thinking back now, I have clear pictures in my head.  I love when I get movies in my head!

Meara deals with a lot of heavy issues in this book.  Her mother's cancer, moving to a new place and leaving her life and friends behind, learning about a father she has never known, weird things happening... there is a lot going on.  Meara is a character that is easy to like though.  I was rooting for her.  It was more of in an outside way though.  Me, on the outside looking in on a great story.  I just needed that emotional connection to pull me in and make me a part of the story.

There are sexual encounters in the book.  They are not described in any detail, but you know it happens.  There are some instances of mild swearing and some under aged drinking.

Of course the ending left me hanging, wanting to know more.  I do believe the next book (Current Impressions) will be out soon!  You can purchase Never Forgotten at Amazon.  **As of today 7/28/14 Never Forgotten is FREE on Amazon!!  I don't know how long that will last but get it while you can!

Now, let me tell you a bit about Clean Teen Publishing!  I first came across them when I read the book "Rising" (which I loved).  They had a scan code in the book that led me to a content disclosure.  What?!  I love that!  I was so impressed and I wanted to know more about this publisher and why they were doing what they were doing.  Here is their statement on the matter.



This is exactly what I have always wished for.  Honest.  I do not want censorship, I just want to know and be able to make my own informed decisions.  Finally.  This is a publisher I am willing to stand behind.  Not because every book they publish will be books that I personally love, but because they are willing to give me information so I can choose the books I will be most comfortable with and what I believe will be most appropriate for my children.  I love that.  LOVE.  So, check them out.  Visit their website.  Check out the content disclosures.  Tell me what you think!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Becoming Lady Lockwood by Jennifer Moore and a $25 Giveaway!

Becoming Lady Lockwood
Amelia Beckett is delighted to be a widow. Married by proxy to a man she'd never met, Amelia recognizes that a fortuitous entry into widowhood frees her from meddlesome chaperones and matchmakers. Heiress to her mother's sugar plantation in Jamaica, she happily anticipates working in a man's world, with the additional credibility of her new title: Lady Lockwood. But with the arrival of Captain Sir William Drake, her plans quickly go awry . . . William has traversed the Atlantic with one purpose. If he cannot prove that Amelia's marriage to his brother was a fraud, she will be entitled to a sizeable portion of his family's estate. He is determined to return this duplicitous Lady to London for an official hearing, and he carries with him a letter that will ensure her cooperation . . . Left with no choice, Amelia joins the captain on his return voyage to England, and the two quickly find that ship life does not allow for evasion. Amelia and William are ceaselessly thrown together, and amidst fierce storms and ocean battles, what began as antipathy seems to be evolving quite unexpectedly. But as they draw ever closer to their destination, will the impossibility of their circumstances shatter any hope of a future together?

I have to admit, this book was right in my sweet spot. It is the kind of book I just love to read and then wallow in for a little while after I’ve read it. It was so romantic. <sigh>

William and Amelia were the perfect characters. William may have come off a bit nasty at first, but that’s because he was judging without knowing based on the little information he had. Shame on him. He quickly realizes the error of his ways though and goes about redeeming himself. He is the captain of a ship and a respected one at that. He is noble, gentlemanly and may just have a bit of hero in him.

Amelia is independent and strong but very feminine and sweet as well. You cannot help but love her. I love the way she cares about people and shows them that through her words and her actions. Don’t underestimate the heroine qualities in Amelia. She just might surprise you!

The whole voyage on the ship was so enjoyable to read about. Amelia is so sick at first and one of her first interactions with Captain William ends up with the contents of Amelia’s stomach on William’s feet. Ha ha! This year I went on my first cruise and one night the boat started rocking and I spent the whole night hugging the toilet. Amelia recovered in a couple days but I’m pretty sure I would have been one of those people who would have been sick the whole time!!

The developing relationship between Amelia and William is endearing and sweet. And the ending is swoon worthy, for sure. Think hero man swooping in (maybe literally) to get his woman. It was the perfect ending to a fantastic romantic book. Yay! I just love a good, clean romance.

This is an author I will be watching. I hope her next book comes out soon!!

Enjoy the following excerpt.  I hope it leaves you wanting to read this book!

He finally stopped and pulled his chair closer to her, raising her chin. “Amelia. I cannot begin to thank you for what you did. It was brave and brilliant, and it terrifies me to think that you put your life at risk for—”
“For my shipmates, Captain.” She kept her eyes lowered.
“I would never have forgiven myself if anything had happened to you.” He wiped the tears from her cheeks with his thumb.
“I would never have forgiven myself if I had not tried. These men, this ship, it has become . . . I care for them, William, for all of you.”
He raised her chin even higher, so that she was forced to lift her gaze his face. He stared at her for a moment. Then his eyes dropped to her lips, and Amelia’s pulse began to race. Would he kiss her again? They sat, frozen for a heartbeat, and then William stood, stealing with him all of the warmth in the room.

Jenny Moore
Author Jennifer Moore is a Passionate reader and writer of all things romance, helping her find balance with the rest of her world, which includes a perpetually traveling husband and four active sons, who create heaps of laundry that are anything but romantic. Jennifer has a BA in linguistics from the University of Utah and is a Guitar Hero champion. She lives in northern Utah with her family. You can learn more about her at The author's first book, Becoming Lady Lockwood, is a regency romance centered on the British navy during the Napoleonic Wars of the early 1800s.  

Blog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 8/7/14 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the publisher. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
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Becoming Lady Lockwood Tour
Tour Schedule

Thursday, July 24, 2014

On Tour with Plantation Nation by Mercedes King + $100 Giveaway!!

Emma Cartwright survives a traumatic event on her family's rice plantation and soon decides she must take a personal stand in the fight against slavery. Leaving her home and all she's ever known, she heads to Washington, D.C. and joins the Union Army--disguised as a young man. Despite the challenges and hardships, she serves as a soldier, nurse, and even spy. But what becomes even more dangerous for Emma is falling in love for the first time.

I love historical fiction.  It's one of my favorite genres to read.  In this one, the main character, Emma, is fully a part of the civil war.  Growing up I learned about the civil war.  I knew the basic facts and it was a part of history I actually enjoyed learning about.  When we moved from the west coast to the east coast (Virginia) I learned a whole lot more about the civil war.  The feelings and history of the civil war still run deep in the south.  I visited the site of the 1st and 2nd battle of Manassas.  It was very close to my house.  When we got there, I called it the Battle of Bull Run (which is what the North referred to the battle as).  The tour guide said, "What are you, a Yankee?!"  Um, no.  I'm just an American, grew up in California.  The Civil War was emotional and desperately fought.  I saw many homes still raising the flag of the south from the civil war.  It changed how I viewed the civil war and helped me understand better the deep rooted feelings that carried both sides through that war.

I guess those experiences helped me appreciate this book more.  I really liked Emma and I admired her courage to see through a plan that she thought would help right an injustice.

Emma grew up on a plantation that owned many slaves.  Emma learned much from the kindness of the slaves on her plantation.  She loved them and tried to help them when she could.  The story opens as Emma is being punished for teaching a slave boy to read.  It is violent and a bit graphic but really lays the foundations for how Emma progressed through this book.

I enjoyed reading this book.  It held my attention and I thought the author did a good job of portraying both sides of the war and some of the deep feelings connected to both sides.

I'm still wondering about the ending.  I didn't love how it left off, leaving all kinds of things wide open.  I'm hoping that means there is another book to come.  :)

Enjoy the following excerpt:

Emma could no longer raise her head or open her eyes. She tasted her own blood and withered under the sun’s brilliance. Her back and legs throbbed from the lashes with the leather belt. The scent of honeysuckle drifted to her nostrils, but Emma quivered with agony and trepidation. She fought the oblivion that threatened to engulf her¾fearing it was death.
Her heart searched for a prayer or a plea but nothing came. She wanted to cry out for her father, forgetting he was long dead.
Someone snatched a fistful of Emma’s hair and held up her head.
“Look!” Quinn said through gritted teeth. “Look at what you’ve done.” He touched his mouth to her ear. “Ain’t like he didn’t deserve it, though. Worthless wretch.”
Emma tried again to focus on the scene. At first, through the narrow slits of her swollen eyes, all she saw was a row of brown feet, naked and caked with mud past the ankles, a sure sign that rice planting was underway. She couldn’t find or concentrate on their faces now, but she knew that among the clan of thirteen laborers, Basil’s mother and brother were there watching. Fear reverberated from the mass. Children cried and stirred, but no one moved or averted their eyes. George had insisted.

Mercedes King is an Ohio native and founding member of Sisters in Crime Columbus, Ohio (affectionately dubbed SiCCO). With a degree in Criminology from Capital University and a passion for writing, she crafted O! Jackie, a novel focusing on the private life of Jackie Kennedy. She has also written The Kennedy Chronicles, a series of short stories featuring JFK and Jackie before they were married and before 'Camelot'. Mercedes writes in a variety of genres, including historical and mystery / suspense. In fact, she's working on creating a new genre, 'modern historical'.

Her newest release, Plantation Nation, follows the journey of Emma Cartwright, a 16 year old Southern girl who disguises herself as a young man and joins the Union Army.

Visit her sites, or . Contact her at Mercedes 'at' ojackiebook 'dot' com. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Twitter: @Mercedes_King_
Instagram: mercedes_king_author

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Son of War, Daughter of Chaos $50 Book Blast!

Son of War 
  Son of War, Daughter of Chaos Aislynn is accustomed to watching for the enemy. Her parents instructed her from the time she was young to look for the signs: people with greater than normal strength, eyes that can glow green, and have the ability to jump long distances. Over the years, Aislynn has come to view her parents’ fears as quirks—things that get in the way of having a normal high school life. When Aislynn’s mother dies under suspicious conditions, her father doubles his restrictions. But all his precautions can’t stop the boy with glowing green eyes from finding Aislynn. She realizes too late she’s been drafted into an ancient Egyptian war, whether she’s prepared or not.  

Son of War Daughter of Chaos Blog Tour

Janette Rallison
Janette Rallison is old. Don’t ask how old, because it isn’t polite. Let’s just say she’s older than she’d like to be and leave it at that. Janette lives in Chandler, Arizona with her husband, five children and enough cats to classify her as “an eccentric cat lady.” She did not do this on purpose. (The cats, that is; she had the children on purpose.) Every single one of the felines showed up on its own and refuses to leave. Not even the family’s fearless little Westie dog can drive them off. Since Janette has five children and deadlines to write books, she doesn’t have much time left over for hobbies. But since this is the internet and you can’t actually check up to see if anything on this site is true, let’s just say she enjoys dancing, scuba diving, horse back riding and long talks with Orlando Bloom. (Well, I never said he answers back.)

  book blast button 
Blast Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 8/17/14 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the publisher. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Husband Maker by Karey White: Review, Excerpt and $25 Giveaway!

The Husband Maker by Karey White 
 Charlotte’s a girl with nicknames. She may not love being called Charles or Chuck, but the hardest nickname to take is the one she was given in college, the one that’s followed her now for too many years. They call her “the husband maker” and sadly, it fits. Every guy she’s dated since high school has become his next girlfriend’s husband. Not hers. Not three girlfriends down the road. The next. Is she doing something wrong or is she just cursed? When Kyle Aldsworth enters the picture and sweeps her off her feet, Charlotte begins to hope that maybe she's not destined to be single forever. A senator’s son with political aspirations of his own, Kyle's wealthy, handsome, and in need of a wife. Will Charlotte be disappointed yet again, or will she finally be able to make a husband for herself?

Get your copy of The Husband Maker for just $3.99!
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I was excited to get to this book in my reading schedule.  I really enjoy Karey White's writing.  It's always happy to be able to read and review books by author's you enjoy.

So, as per usual, I didn't read much about this book before delving into it.  What I didn't realize was that this book was the start of a series and not a stand alone.  I know, I should really read up on books before starting them, but I just can't.  I like to be completely surprised.  Especially by authors I already know.  Well, I was a bit surprised to find myself at the end of the book and not have the resolution I was looking for.  I have kind of already written the ending in my head.  (hee hee)  So yeah, now I have all sorts of expectations for the next book.  I don't know.  It could be good or it could be bad!  I guess I'll just have to trust in the author to make it all okay in the end and settle in for the ride.

Usually when you have more than one book in a series about the same characters, it is some other type of book- dystopian, fantasy, thriller- that keeps the story moving forward.  This book has none of those things.  It is quite simply a book about a girl trying to find love.  I'll be interested to see how the author keeps that going through multiple books without it becoming tiring and long.

What I loved about this book were the characters.  I felt like I knew them.  I could envision them easily and what's more, I liked them.  I love the bay area setting and I wish I could have eaten at some of the places in this book last month when I was in SF. Especially the BBQ joint.  I feel as though I've missed out on something good...

I also loved Charlotte's family and friends.  They are such a good support system and they know how to take care of each other.

Please enjoy the following excerpt!  It gives the premise for the whole book.

Mrs. Shelton’s words bounced around in my head. They call her the husband maker.
“That’s quite a frown you’ve got going there.”
Angus dipped his head, forcing me to make eye contact with him.
“Don’t be sorry. Just talk to me.”
“Have you heard anyone call me the husband maker?”
Angus leaned back in the booth and shook his head. His dark, worried eyes watched me. “Who told you about that?”
“So you have?” When he didn’t immediately speak, I knew the answer. I sighed and leaned back against my seat as well.
There we sat, both of us slouching against our seats, looking at each other.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I whispered.
“Now why would I do that? Why would I purposely tell you something that would hurt your feelings?”
I should have appreciated his desire to spare me, but at the moment, I wasn’t sure what to think. “Wouldn’t a real friend be honest with me?”
“I was honest. If you’d ever asked me, I’d have told you. I wouldn’t have lied to you. But I don’t think a real friend would jump at the chance to share something hurtful. Wouldn’t a real friend be protective?”
I shrugged.
“Who told you?”
“No one.”
“Then how—?”
“I overheard Hannah Shelton’s mom in the restroom. She was telling some other woman that everyone calls me the husband maker.”
“Not everyone, Chuck.”
“You know what I mean. And why shouldn’t they? There I was at Harrison’s wedding. I guess I just made him a husband. I guess I made Skyler a husband. And CJ and Jerry and . . . I can keep going if you want me to.” I would have kept going to illustrate my point, but my voice was starting to quiver, and in a minute, I’d only have two options—cry or yell at Angus. As upset as I was that he’d never told me, I knew he didn’t deserve to be yelled at. He was here for therapy, after all.
His voice was full of concern, and he used my given name, so I knew he wasn’t kidding around.
“What?” My voice cracked.
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about what people say. You’ve had bad luck. That’s all. It isn’t your fault.”
The waitress brought out our food. “Can I get you anything else?”
“This is great, thanks.” Angus wasted no time piling food on his plate. “I hope you’re hungry,” he said after she left.
“I can’t believe we’re eating this much food at almost ten.”
“If the food doesn’t take your mind off all this junk, the heartburn will.”
I laughed.
Angus’s voice turned serious again. “If you wish I’d have told you, I’m sorry I didn’t.”
I nodded. I wasn’t sure I wanted the answer, but I had to ask. “Have you ever called me that?”
“Of course not.”

  Karey White
Author Karey White Karey White grew up in Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Missouri. She attended Ricks College and Brigham Young University. Her first novel, Gifted, was a Whitney Award Finalist. She loves to travel, read, bake treats, and spend time with family and friends. She and her husband are the parents of four great children. She teaches summer creative writing courses to young people and is currently working on her next book.  
Coming Fall 2014 - Charlotte's Story continues in The Match Maker
The Matchmaker final ebook cover
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  $25 Blog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 8/15/14 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the publisher. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
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Husband Maker Tour
The Husband Maker Blog Tour Schedule

Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Safe Space by E.M. Tippetts + Giveaways!

Title: A Safe Space
Author: E.M. Tippetts
Age Group: NA
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Okay Creations, Sarah Hansen

Everyone needs a safe space.

For Lizzie Warner, that space has always been in front of the camera on her hit show, or on stage to a sold out concert arena. Since before she can remember, she’s been a star, but that may be about to change.

She’s nineteen. Her show has been cancelled and now she’s going to play the lead in a new prime time drama series, but is the world ready to take her seriously, or will she be typecast as the cute tween queen forever?

Her network has decided to be aggressive and has invested millions of dollars in an ad campaign for her show, money she’s not sure she can earn back. Her co-star can’t stand her, and the writing for the show turns out to be poor at best. The only reason Lizzie didn’t walk away from the job offer to begin with is because she’s broke, the victim of a decade of bad money management.

Then there’s Devon, the personal trainer at her gym. Arrogant and abrasive, he’s the last guy she should ever find attractive, but she has a hopeless crush on him anyway, and he doesn’t seem entirely disinterested either. In fact, sometimes he’s downright sweet to her. If only he weren’t an untamable bad boy who uses and dumps women like they’re nothing. Though Lizzie’s friends warn her to stay away, he’s the only person who can create what she needs: a safe space. But is there any way she can break him of his years' long habit of being a user?

I was looking forward to getting to this book on my review schedule. I have to admit that I devoured this book in one day. It just sucked me in and gave me a great story of young love.  What I really loved was that I was expecting a great but fluffy sort of romance but I got something deeper to go along with the fluff.

Lizzie has grown up in the acting world. She’s been on her own for a long time and now that she has reached the age of nineteen, she is struggling with the transition from child actor to adult actor. It’s somewhat of a bumpy ride for her but Lizzie is determined and she is willing to work hard for her place in the world. Lizzie is an easy character to like. She is kind and has a gentle goodness about her. She thinks about others and isn’t so wrapped up in herself that she can’t see past her own needs.

Devon is the typical gorgeous bad boy that every girl wants to tame. Or get a piece of. He is known as a player, a one night stand kind of man. Plus, he’s a jerk. Definitely not the kind of guy a sweet girl like Lizzie wants to get caught up in. But, of course, it is inevitable. She falls for him. Of course she does.  <sigh>

It's sort of a cat and mouse game between Lizzie and Devon.  Lizzie loves easily and quickly.  She gives her whole heart because that's the kind of girl she is.  But, she also hurts easily.  It's two people struggling through the bummer things life has thrown at them and trying to find a safe space to land.  

I connected with the characters, I felt for them and wanted them to succeed.  I enjoyed the interactions between Lizzie and Devon.  The dialogue and the sizzle- it was good stuff.

Content:  There are some passionate kissing scenes.  Lizzie is an actress and she has some scenes that are sexual in nature.  Devon is a player and his sexual conquests are many although only referred to and not described.  

Kobo * Amazon * B&N 

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Emily Mah Tippetts writes science fiction as Emily Mah and sweet romance as E.M. Tippetts. A lifelong New Mexican, she lives with her family in Santa Fe, though she's been known to spend years at a time in the UK, her second home. Aside from being a writer, she's been a lawyer and jeweler, and is currently a stay at home mother, polymer clay artist, book designer/formatter, and owner of E.M. Tippetts Book Designs.

Mailing list:
Twitter: (@EMTippetts)

My thanks to Wordsmith Publicity and the author for allowing me to read and review this book.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Fire by John A. Heldt

When Kevin Johnson, 22, goes to Wallace, Idaho, days after his college graduation, he expects to find rest and relaxation as his family prepares his deceased grandfather's house for sale. Then he discovers a hidden diary and a time portal that can take him to 1910, the year of Halley's comet and the largest wildfire in U.S. history. Within hours, Kevin finds himself in the era of horse-drawn wagons, straw hats, and ankle-length dresses. Returning to the same time and place, he decides to travel again and again and make the portal his gateway to summer fun. The adventure takes a more serious turn, however, when the luckless-in-love science major falls for pretty English teacher Sarah Thompson and integrates himself in a community headed for tragedy. Filled with humor, romance, and heartbreak, THE FIRE, the sequel to THE JOURNEY, follows a conflicted soul through a life-changing journey as he makes his mark on a world he was never meant to see.

This is the fourth book I've read and reviewed by this author, I do believe.  What I love about these books and what keeps me coming back is the way the author makes moments in history come alive for me.  It's like getting a history lesson without knowing it.

In this book, we go back to 1910 with Kevin who stumbles upon his great-grandfather's journal, a cache of money and the secret to time travel.  Kevin's curiosity demands that he try the portal out.  He is a bit of a dreamer, after all, and never even bats an eye that he can travel through time.  I really enjoyed learning about Halley's comet and seeing it viewed through the eyes of 1910.  It's an amazing testament to how far we have come since then in our scientific discoveries and probably how far we still have to go!

I also loved the bit when we finally got into the wildfire part toward the end.  I didn't know anything about the largest wildfire in U.S. history before this book.  Wowza.

Aside from that, I didn't find this book as much to my liking as I have the previous books I've read.  The book had a slow start and I didn't connect as well with the characters.  I honestly didn't really like Kevin much and I didn't love the ending at all.  I don't know, this one just didn't hit the sweet spot for me like the others have.  Which is, I think, completely normal when reading a series of books by one author.  You are naturally going to like some books more than others.  This book just wasn't my favorite.

Content:  There is some swearing.  There is a character who visits a brothel frequently and also has casual sex with his landlady.  There is a fade away sex scene that you know happened but you do not have any details.

You can purchase this book and check out the other Northwest Passage series books by John Heldt at Amazon.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Husband Maker by Karey White $75 Book Blast

The Husband Maker by Karey White 
Charlotte’s a girl with nicknames. She may not love being called Charles or Chuck, but the hardest nickname to take is the one she was given in college, the one that’s followed her now for too many years. They call her “the husband maker” and sadly, it fits. Every guy she’s dated since high school has become his next girlfriend’s husband. Not hers. Not three girlfriends down the road. The next. Is she doing something wrong or is she just cursed? When Kyle Aldsworth enters the picture and sweeps her off her feet, Charlotte begins to hope that maybe she's not destined to be single forever. A senator’s son with political aspirations of his own, Kyle's wealthy, handsome, and in need of a wife. Will Charlotte be disappointed yet again, or will she finally be able to make a husband for herself?

Get your copy of The Husband Maker for just $3.99!

I’d always heard the view from Top of the Mark was exceptional. When San Francisco Life listed the top ten places to view the skyline at night, Top of the Mark was ranked number three, so when the invitation to Harrison’s wedding arrived, I finally had an excuse to take in the view for myself.

Stupid, stupid me. I should have taken a cab up the steep hills to 999 California Street, hopped on the elevator to the nineteenth floor, and looked out the windows. I could have come with or without makeup, and I could have worn jeans and a t-shirt. If I’d brought Mia or Aleena with me, we could have had a nice dinner or dessert. If I’d brought Angus, we could have had both. Since Top of the Mark was built at the crest of Nob Hill, I could have snapped a jaw-dropping photo or two with my iPhone and made the sparkling skyline my screen saver.

But no. I had to come see it on the night my old boyfriend was marrying a 49ers cheerleader named Nicki, who’d had more remodeling than an episode of Property Brothers. She looked like a Who’s Who of Hollywood parts—Scarlett’s nose, Angelina’s lips, and Kim’s cheekbones. Her bias-cut dress clung to her other (ahem) purchased body parts and made me feel very un-girly in comparison.

“Nicki, this is Charlotte.” Harrison looked me level in the eye, and for the first time all evening, I felt an inch of relief that things hadn’t worked out between us. Five-eleven is pretty average for a guy, and Harrison towered over Nicki, even in her stilettos. But the only way he’d ever have been able to look down at me the way he’d looked down at Nicki when they’d exchanged their vows was if he’d stood on a stool. I know it’s not important, and it makes me sound completely shallow, but I read a romance once where the leading man “gazed down at his true love with tender eyes.” Someday, I’d like a guy to gaze down at me with tender eyes. And I’d rather not have to be standing in a hole for that to happen.

“It’s fabulous to finally meet you.” Nicki’s voice was chirpy, and her lips didn’t move quite right. “I want to thank you for breaking his heart”—she puckered up and baby-talked—“so I could put it back together.” She pulled him down by his tuxedo lapel to kiss his cheek, then wiped the red smear away with her acrylic-nailed thumb.

Well, this was awkward. And I wasn’t the only one feeling it. Harrison’s eyes begged me not to set the record straight.

You see, Harrison had broken up with me. “I’m not ready for the whole settling down with one woman thing,” he’d said four short months ago. “You’re ready to get married, and I won’t be ready for that scene for years.”

Maybe he’d meant dog years.

“Congratulations, you two. You make a much better couple than we ever did,” I said, although it stung to admit it.

“Did Will come? I saw Angus a little while ago,” Harrison said. Will is my twin brother. No, his name is not Wilbur, although we’ve been asked if our parents had a thing for Charlotte’s Web more times than I can count. His name is William, and he’s the reason I ended up dating Harrison in the first place.

Our families lived on the same street in Fairfield, but I barely remembered Harrison, who was two years older than us. Nearly a year ago, Will and Harrison had been at the same concert, and Harrison had asked Will if his little sister was still available. Will wasn’t sure if he meant me or McKayla, but since McKayla was already married, he gave Harrison my number. On our first date, Harrison admitted he hadn’t been asking about me, but he was decent enough to say he was glad for the mix-up. And the rest is history.
A short and tragic history, but history nonetheless.

“Will and his wife are in D.C. right now interviewing.” I stepped on my tiptoes and scanned the room over the groom’s head. “I didn’t know Angus was here.”

“I talked to him earlier, but he might have left already,” Harrison said.
I nearly knocked over a waiter as I jumped away from Nicki’s scream. “Look, Kitten. It’s Baxter Kensington. I didn’t think he’d actually come.”

Kitten? Did she really call him that? Harrison’s red face confirmed that yes, she had. “He plays for the 49ers,” he explained, and I nodded.

“I’d better go and make room for the celebrities,” I said, and Harrison grinned. He’d always appreciated my sarcasm, and his cute grin jabbed at my not-quite-healed heart.

“Thanks for coming.” He pulled me into a hug while his bride arranged her dress to best flatter her cleavage and patted the sides of her platinum fauxhawk. “Are things good with us?” he said quietly in my ear.
I pulled away. “Oh sure.”

“I was worried—”
“Nothing to worry about. Go. Be happy.”
“Thanks, Charlotte.”

I turned away, my eyes stinging, and nearly barreled into one of the most stunning specimens of athleticism I’d ever seen. His pale yellow shirt and silvery gray suit contrasted beautifully with his dark skin. No wonder the bride was swooning about someone other than the groom. Poor Harrison looked like a little boy in comparison.

Ah, one of the hazards of marrying a cheerleader.

Through slightly blurred vision, I saw Harrison put his arm around Nicki. Not too long ago, I’d thought that would be me, though the venue and guest list would have been drastically different.

Husband Maker Tour

Karey White
Author Karey White Karey White grew up in Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Missouri. She attended Ricks College and Brigham Young University. Her first novel, Gifted, was a Whitney Award Finalist. She loves to travel, read, bake treats, and spend time with family and friends. She and her husband are the parents of four great children. She teaches summer creative writing courses to young people and is currently working on her next book.  

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